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Ranked as 3532 on our all-time top downloads list with 8331 downloads.

Filename rogue.zip (Download)
Title Rogue
Description Another update- changed icons for food and potions to look different from monsters.
Author squirrey boy (squirreyboy@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Flash Games
File Size 23,270 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Mar 7 17:31:43 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  James D
Reviewed on 2005-10-04
If you've ever played the real thing, this “Rogue” clone won't hold your attention for very long. Only one room is displayed on the screen at a time. This might not be so bad, except that it is always a rectangle. Once you've gone though a room, if you try to go back to it, it will be completely different. So much for dropping items somewhere to come back to them later.

That reminds me; there is a grand total of 12 different items. Actually there are only three really. Each item has 4 upgrades to it that all behave exactly the same. There are potions, but instead of the unpredictable wildcards they usualy are, they only heal you in battle.

The enemies are randomly generated and always move directly at you. No clever strategies hiding in tunnels and throwing stuff at them apply – there are no tunnels and you can't throw things. When you move to attack them, a battle system appears, much like “Final Fantasy”.

Decidedly not “Rogue”. I love the real Rogue, but this game is has a long way to go before it comes even close.

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Archive Contents
Name Size
Readme.txt   1455
rogue.8xk   78576
SCREEN01.BMP   73782
SCREEN02.BMP   73782
SCREEN03.BMP   73782
SCREEN04.BMP   73782

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