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Aerial Assault


Ranked as 844 on our all-time top downloads list with 18995 downloads.
Ranked as 8122 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Ranked as 400 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.88.

Filename aerial.zip (Download)
Title Aerial Assault
Description Version 2.2 : Addaptation d'un shoot-em-up publié pour la première fois en 1990, sur SEGA Master System. Version française incluse. Version 2.2. Adaptation of a famous shoot-em-up, available on SEGA Master System (1990). English version disp.
Author Vincent CORFDIR (oragesoft@hotmail.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Arcade/Shooters)
File Size 141,952 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Jan 11 05:27:06 2005
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



Review by  TI Freakware
Reviewed on 2008-04-30
Originality - 5/10

Functionability - 14/15

Graphics - 5/5

Titlescreen/intro - 5/5

Readme - 1/15

Replayability - 7/10

Bonus - 8/0


Ticalc rating 8/10

The game is fun with a simple and intuitive game play. The graphics look great with details like a shadow of your plane and the tilting of the plane. You meet many different enemies with increased difficulty through the game. Your high score and progress is automaticly saved. However, the save feature doesn't seem to work properly if the game is archived.

The english version of the readme lacks a lot of information. The french one is more informative.

See 2 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
read me.txt   278
English/Ti 89/compressed/aerial.89y   10484
English/Ti 89/compressed/aerial.89z   1833
English/Ti 89/compressed/aerial-Titanium.89z   1855
English/Ti 89/uncompressed/aerial.89z   17409
English/Ti 92+/compressed/aerial.9xy   10489
English/Ti 92+/compressed/aerial.9xz   1833
English/Ti 92+/uncompressed/aerial.9xz   17409
English/v 200/compressed/aerial.v2y   10490
English/v 200/compressed/aerial.v2z   1833
English/v 200/uncompressed/aerial.v2z   17409
lisez moi.txt   4136
Fran‡ais/Ti 89/compress‚/aerial.89y   10513
Fran‡ais/Ti 89/compress‚/aerial.89z   1833
Fran‡ais/Ti 89/compress‚/aerial-Titanium.89z   1855
Fran‡ais/Ti 89/d‚compress‚/aerial.89z   17443
Fran‡ais/Ti 92+/compress‚/aerial.9xy   10518
Fran‡ais/Ti 92+/compress‚/aerial.9xz   1833
Fran‡ais/Ti 92+/d‚compress‚/aerial.9xz   17443
Fran‡ais/v 200/compress‚/aerial.v2y   10520
Fran‡ais/v 200/compress‚/aerial.v2z   1833
Fran‡ais/v 200/d‚compress‚/aerial.v2z   17443

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