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Tanks Incoming 1.0 - The Tankwars rebirth


Ranked as 11291 on our all-time top downloads list with 4411 downloads.
Ranked as 12769 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename ti10.zip (Download)
Title Tanks Incoming 1.0 - The Tankwars rebirth
Description You might know the Game Tankwars... yeah, THAT tankwars. About 100 Programmers made it, both for BASIC and ION. I didnĀ“t like any of them. The AI was dumb, the game short, the weapons boring. Thats why I wanted to show: IT IN POSSIBLE TO MAKE TANKWARS AS GOOD AS ON PC! *********** Now I made Tanks Incoming (TI), with excelent Ai wich chooses and buys weapons, selects best fitting Fire method and even uses the advanteges of different Weapons like 2 CRIs and 2 Nukes! ******* You play on a DESTROYABLE LANDSCAPE (!!!), generated randomly uppon custom settings. Savegame etc. buildt in. Teacher-Key ----------------- 6 SCREENSHOTS INCLUDED
Author Zsolt S. (zs_sz@t-online.de)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Strategy)
File Size 30,554 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Jun 24 05:07:41 2003
Documentation Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
give me a chanche, read me.txt   4818
5meg strike.gif   2980
BUYMENU.gif   3966
LASER.gif   2909
OUTOFCRI.gif   2717
PEAKCRI IN USE.gif   3265
Playscreen.gif   2911
Stats.gif   2716
TI 10.8xp   9160

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