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Ranked as 732 on our all-time top downloads list with 20880 downloads.
Ranked as 4531 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Ranked as 92 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.61.

Filename repton.zip (Download)
Title Repton
Description REPTON is an infuriatingly difficult rock-rollin' diamond-devourin' earth-eatin' monster-manglin' extravaganza combining logical thinking and arcade excitement into one huge mega-game. This game features fantastic flicker-free 4-level greyscale, external levels, a Windows based editor and much more!
Author Benjamin Ryves (benryves@benryves.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (MirageOS)
File Size 758,676 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Apr 24 01:23:09 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  nick bugaev
Reviewed on 2009-12-26
Gameplay- Multiple starter levels that includes some strategy to solve each level. 10/10

Memory- Game has a decent size and doesn't take up much space. 10/10

Creativity- Creative name and creative gameplay. 10/10

File- Well organized folder with multiple readme files and screenshot included. 10/10

Graphics- When moving around it kind of gets slow. The character and background is kind of a bit too bright and not dark enough to see. Please improve. 8/10

Controls- user friendly controls. Good job. 10/10

Overall- Plenty of levels keeps me coming back to play more. 10/10

Suggestions- None, this has everything I expected.

Well that's my review. I gotta go and not be crushed by a boulder!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Repton(MirageOS).8xp   7977
Repton(VTI).8xp   7848
Levels/Chameleon (Level 2).8xp   1251
Levels/Ripton (Level 1 of Ripton).8xp   1250
Levels/Screen A (Level 1).8xp   1261
Levels/Underground (A new level).8xp   1253
Repton.gif   374947
Readme_Files/About.htm   2861
Readme_Files/about_off.gif   1117
Readme_Files/about_on.gif   1106
Readme_Files/animate.js   16040
Readme_Files/Animations/Contrast.gif   14671
Readme_Files/Animations/Keys.gif   11360
Readme_Files/Animations/Monsters.gif   64883
Readme_Files/Animations/Rocks.gif   18630
Readme_Files/Animations/Thumbs.db   31232
Readme_Files/Banner.gif   1612
Readme_Files/calc83plus.htm   817
Readme_Files/calc83plus_off.gif   1221
Readme_Files/calc83plus_on.gif   1199
Readme_Files/Credits.htm   893
Readme_Files/credits_off.gif   1107
Readme_Files/credits_on.gif   1115
Readme_Files/Home.gif   1227
Readme_Files/Installing.htm   1205
Readme_Files/installing_off.gif   1185
Readme_Files/installing_on.gif   1240
Readme_Files/LevelEditor.gif   85179
Readme_Files/Playing.htm   8053
Readme_Files/playing_off.gif   1149
Readme_Files/playing_on.gif   1122
Readme_Files/Repton.mid   12043
Readme_Files/Repton1.gif   10198
Readme_Files/Ripton1.gif   13876
Readme_Files/StartGame.gif   1765
Readme_Files/Thumbs.db   111616
Source/graylib.inc   23436
Source/grfx.inc   14444
Source/ion.inc   10551
Source/keyval.inc   4715
Source/mirage.inc   10601
Source/Repton.z80   35735
Level Editor.exe   983040
ReadMe.htm   4543
Repton(ION).8xp   7948

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