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Hardcore Avalanche


Ranked as 10668 on our all-time top downloads list with 4578 downloads.
Ranked as 6123 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.
Ranked as 655 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 6.18.

Filename havalanche.zip (Download)
Title Hardcore Avalanche
Description This is my own version of Harper Maddox's Avalanche. It's faster, harder, and the icicles look cooler :) Are you hardcore enough for Hardcore Avalanche?!
Author Danny Rogers (dr_2003@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (Ion/Arcade)
File Size 79,887 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Mar 6 05:19:16 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Andrew Davies
Reviewed on 2004-04-26
I would like to give “Hardcore Avalanche” an overall 8/10. This game is great beyond all questioning. The icicles look really cool. The speed is also a lot faster than the last one. I suggest you turn up the contrast level on your calc screen so you can actually see those menacing icicles and not get hit without even knowing it. This game, in my opinion, is the best ion "dodge-stuff-falling-from-the-sky-type-game" that you can get.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
AvaReadme.txt   2958
AVA2.8XP   811
ava2.z80   8773
AVA2.83P   807
ava2.gif   89852

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