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GPS Math


Ranked as 9245 on our all-time top downloads list with 5024 downloads.
Ranked as 19357 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename gps_math.zip (Download)
Title GPS Math
Description GPS _MATH contains a TI-89 calculator activity which explores the mathematics of Global Positioning in a 2-dimensional world. Graphical and numerical techniques are both used to solve the GPS system of equations. A step-by-step handout is included. Follow instructions in the ReadMe file to set up programs.
Author Ralph Irons (n7ri@earthlink.net)
Category TI-89 BASIC Math Programs (Misc.)
File Size 131,847 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Jul 23 14:23:59 2002
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
TI_89/GPS2/BACKGND.89P   1033
TI_89/GPS2/BLANK.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/CHECK.89P   716
TI_89/GPS2/CLEANUP.89P   433
TI_89/GPS2/CR.89I   955
TI_89/GPS2/CR1.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/CR10.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/CR11.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/CR2.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/CR3.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/CR4.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/CR5.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/CR6.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/CR7.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/CR8.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/CR9.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/D1.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/D10.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/D2.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/D3.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/D4.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/D5.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/D6.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/D7.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/D8.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/D9.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/DEFN_FN.89P   760
TI_89/GPS2/ES1.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/ES10.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/ES2.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/ES3.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/ES4.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/ES5.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/ES6.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/ES7.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/ES8.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/ES9.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/ESCAPE.89P   193
TI_89/GPS2/FL1.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/FL10.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/FL11.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/FL12.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/FL13.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/FL14.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/FL2.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/FL3.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/FL4.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/FL5.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/FL6.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/FL7.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/FL8.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/FL9.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/GETDATA.89P   1347
TI_89/GPS2/GPS.89P   781
TI_89/GPS2/GUDGRAPH.89P   339
TI_89/GPS2/GUESS.89P   317
TI_89/GPS2/GUESS_D.89P   187
TI_89/GPS2/NEWTOOLD.89P   181
TI_89/GPS2/P1.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/P2.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/P3.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/PLATTER.89I   1635
TI_89/GPS2/POD2.89I   139
TI_89/GPS2/POP.89P   232
TI_89/GPS2/PUTDATA.89P   1748
TI_89/GPS2/QWKGRAPH.89P   366
TI_89/GPS2/RESET.89P   168
TI_89/GPS2/SEEDATA.89P   770
TI_89/GPS2/SETCRC.89P   193
TI_89/GPS2/TOUR.89P   259
TI_89/GPS2/ZOOM_IN.89P   120
TI_89/GPS2/ZOOM_OUT.89P   134
TI_89/Handout.doc   231424
TI_89/ReadMe.doc   19456

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