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Final Fantasy v1.198


Ranked as 142 on our all-time top downloads list with 56189 downloads.
Ranked as 3842 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.
Ranked as 574 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.13.

Filename finalfantasy.zip (Download)
Title Final Fantasy v1.198
Description A group of warriors are traveling from a distant land. Their homeland was overthrown by evil monsters who plan to control the world. The heros begin their quest to search and retrieve the legendary Excalibur and return home to vanquish those who have slautered their family and consumed the town. But their journey is ridden with unspeakable evils. Its time for another update. Hopefully this will be the final update. I have fixed all the bugs from the last version, mainly the missing ship problem. The maps are all new and improved, trust me you'll like them. I have included the source this time, enjoy.
Author nate fouts (nateman145@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (Ion/Role-playing)
File Size 101,399 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Aug 11 04:34:46 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Kevin Ouellet
Reviewed on 2007-09-19
Graphics: 9/10

Remember Final Fantasy 4...

Gameplay: 6/10

Key detection is a little slow. Cannot cancel battle commands.

Storyline: 8/10

Not much of it but it keeps many Final Fantasy elements as well as a character from FFIV (Rydia).

Replay value: 8/10

If you loved the game, why not?

Overall: 7.75/10

Still some bugs, but more enjoyable than before and filled with awesome graphics.

See 5 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Snapshots/Boat.GIF   1353
Snapshots/cave1.GIF   2175
Snapshots/cave2.GIF   1558
Snapshots/New Status.gif   830
Snapshots/New Title.GIF   1530
Snapshots/Spell.GIF   1491
Snapshots/Status.GIF   1531
Snapshots/Title.gif   1527
Snapshots/Victory.GIF   1522
Source/ff.z80   116609
Source/FFdata.z80   785
Source/ffintro.z80   32208
Source/map1.z80   15490
Source/map10.z80   10612
Source/map11.z80   11046
Source/map12.z80   10664
Source/map13.z80   9195
Source/map2.z80   11312
Source/map3.z80   11559
Source/map4.z80   8560
Source/map5.z80   8579
Source/map6.z80   11469
Source/map7.z80   10145
Source/map8.z80   5309
Source/map9.z80   5390
FFenemies.url   113
ReadMe.txt   11328
FF Files/ff.8xp   15652
FF Files/ffdata.8xp   185
FF Files/ffintro.8xp   8363
FF Files/map1.8xp   3391
FF Files/map10.8xp   2441
FF Files/map11.8xp   2883
FF Files/map12.8xp   2376
FF Files/map13.8xp   1960
FF Files/map2.8xp   3139
FF Files/map3.8xp   2484
FF Files/map4.8xp   1910
FF Files/map5.8xp   2094
FF Files/map6.8xp   2509
FF Files/map7.8xp   2176
FF Files/map8.8xp   1164
FF Files/map9.8xp   1120

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