Anarchy 1.4 Sourcc Code
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Archive Contents
tileedit/TE.C | 2673 |
tileedit/TILEGEN.C | 968 |
tileedit/SCALER.C | 1863 |
c/portio.c | 7614 |
c/STARS.C | 1952 |
c/HUD.C | 1706 |
c/ship.C | 8454 |
c/PLAYER.C | 3137 |
c/MAIN.C | 3077 |
c/MISSILE.C | 1683 |
c/DOCK.C | 5292 |
c/WARP.C | 1783 |
c/anarchy.h | 5561 |
c/anarchy.PRJ | 241 |
c/TCPICK.TCP | 1196 |
asm/TCPICK.TCP | 1196 |
ZIP.BAT | 241 |
tileedit/MAKE.BAT | 123 |
tileedit/TILE.BAT | 121 |
c/MAKE.BAT | 174 |
asm/x.bat | 239 |
asm/MAKE.BAT | 189 |
asm/MAKEEM.BAT | 164 |
asm/GMAKE.BAT | 128 |
asm/TESTEM.BAT | 68 |
asm/release.bat | 269 |
tileedit/EGAVGA.BGI | 5363 |
c/EGAVGA.BGI | 5363 |
bin/EGAVGA.BGI | 5363 |
tileedit/LIST.TXT | 1303 |
c/NOTES.TXT | 2053 |
asm/VERCOUNT.TXT | 5 |
asm/TODO.TXT | 161 |
asm/porting.txt | 687 |
asm/ANARCHY.TXT | 11618 |
gfx/ships.txt | 1237 |
tileedit/TILES.BIN | 1536 |
c/TILES.BIN | 193 |
asm/ANARCHY.BIN | 6714 |
asm/code.bin | 6714 |
asm/ANARC83.BIN | 6714 |
asm/ANARC83P.BIN | 6716 |
asm/HARDWARE.Z80 | 6055 |
asm/boot.z80 | 3284 |
asm/STARS.z80 | 5693 |
asm/HUD.z80 | 6105 |
asm/ship.z80 | 18454 |
asm/PLAYER.z80 | 8089 |
asm/MAIN.z80 | 15341 |
asm/MISSILE.z80 | 3768 |
asm/DOCK.z80 | 17825 |
asm/WARP.z80 | 6701 |
asm/DATA.Z80 | 5251 |
asm/FUNC.Z80 | 12043 |
asm/REGISTRY.Z80 | 4662 |
asm/DRAW.Z80 | 8937 |
asm/PORTING.Z80 | 193 |
asm/ | 39 |
asm/ION.INC | 10079 |
asm/ | 8592 |
asm/Title.Inc | 1183 |
asm/ANARC83.83P | 6788 |
asm/anarc83p.8xp | 6790 |
asm/ion.8xg | 1792 |
asm/ion.83g | 1695 |
tileedit/TILES.IDX | 1171 |
tileedit/ | 1536 |
asm/STAMP.PAS | 425 |
bin/STAMP.EXE | 2896 |
asm/TASM80.TAB | 15032 |