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Anarchy 1.5


Ranked as 1379 on our all-time top downloads list with 13871 downloads.
Ranked as 11428 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename anarc.zip (Download)
Title Anarchy 1.5
Description Anarchy v1.5, the memory corruption bug was fixed. Anarchy is a space trading game, loosely modelled along the same lines as the classic "Elite". It's not half as complex though (well, it is only about 6.5k in size) The aim of the game is to trade goods amongst the sectors of the galaxy, raising money to buy better equipment for your ship. ..... no, the aim of the game is to blow up as many bad guys as you can, whilst trading to get $$$ so you can blow up more bad guys. Then blow up the good guys!
Authors Konstantin Beliakov (zkostik@CalcGames.org)
Paul Robson (paul@calc.org)
Dan Weiss (porter) (danweiss@gmail.com)
Category TI-83 Assembly Games (Ion)
File Size 9,507 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Nov 8 08:22:14 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Anthony Loven
Reviewed on 2005-01-06
Attention span: 10/10 This game was amazing
Controls: 9/10 Very quick to get used to the controls
Implementation:10/10 It's 3D! Or very similar...
Overall: 10/10 This is one of the greatest games I have ever played!

“Anarchy” is a game beyond comprehension. One thing readers should know is that I do not own a TI-83 (or 83+)! I was temporarily bored with the TI-86 games, and said "Why don't I emulate an 83 Ion game?" So I looked for one. This was not the first one, but I eventually tried it. I was immediately blown away. The graphics, gameplay, and the overall feeling of playing a first-person space shooter with a trading-for-more-money theme.

“Anarchy” is basically a game where you fly in space, blowing up good guys or bad guys. You visit different sectors in the galaxy, each with a trading port. There are 64 sectors. You can make money, upgrade your ship, and destroy anyone in your path. The controls are easy: up moves up, down moves down, etc. You do not have to worry about your speed or position; it is always the same. You need to aim and destroy, or rather than using lasers (which are really nice-looking), you can use ultimate homing missiles. The feeling the game gives you when you destroy an enemy is awesome. In the galaxy, sectors have begun to overthrow the government. The map tells you which ones are nasty. But you get more money by selling in them.

“Anarchy” had no bugs whatsoever. It never crashed my TI-86, and usually emulators have problems occasionally. This one was fine. No ROM calls were used (Congrats! That's why I could emulate it) and it was very fast. I suggest reading through the readme to understand trading, though. It is a bit complex. Congratulations to the authors for a great game!


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