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Dying Eyes v1.0


Ranked as 292 on our all-time top downloads list with 36230 downloads.
Ranked as 3289 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.
Ranked as 190 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.42.

Filename deadeyes83p.zip (Download)
Title Dying Eyes v1.0
Description Alex Highsmith's greatest and final epic TI RPG. This massive game has multiple endings, hidden secrets, and a non-linear storyline. This is truly a TI treasure. The story unfolds as so: You are Kurai, a horrible murderer who ravaged the countryside. You got thrown in prison, and expected to rot there forever. The only reason you didn't take to the knife or noose and end it all, is your lover Akara, a single thread to the outside world. Then one day...
Authors Alex Highsmith (moonbeem@ix.netcom.com)
Sam Heald (porter) (samuel.heald@duke.edu)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (Ion/Role-playing)
File Size 63,902 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Feb 3 22:59:42 2001
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Ben Nagy
Reviewed on 2007-12-12
Dying Eyes is a great game, right up there with the Illusiat series. However, due to some of its shortcomings, it just doesn't quite hit the mark.

First of all, the graphics are amazing. It looks like it could easily be a way better graphical version of the early Final Fantasy games in black and white.

However, where Final Fantasy had this perfected, Dying Eyes just seems to take way too much time leveling. And, in the level hierarchy, you always seem to jump: One level, the dungeon monsters can kill you in one hit, the next they do practically nothing, and you can do one hit KOs on them. But it takes so long to get to that next level.

Great game, worth your time, but just be warned: you are going to take a lot of time leveling that you could be doing something else.

The story is great, the animations/graphics are great, the leveling needs a little work, but other than that, this is an amazing game!

Speed: 6/10

Too much time leveling up

Gameplay: 8/10

Leveling up gets repetitive

Replay: 5/10

Just wasn't the same

Graphics: 10/10

Incredible, load quickly

Resources: 7/10

Great use of resource space

Overall: 7/10

Good game, but again, some things need to be worked on.

See 11 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
DEADEYES.z80   62475
deadmap.inc   75604
dlib.inc   26171
DEADEYES.83P   22360
deadeyes.8xp   22362

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