SupercarII v0.98x
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Archive Contents
TRACKS.TXT | 233 |
SUP209X.TXT | 16643 |
89/skull.89s | 3349 |
89/track2.89s | 958 |
89/track3.89s | 1088 |
89/track4.89s | 3108 |
89/track5.89s | 2436 |
89/track6.89s | 1194 |
89/track7.89s | 1836 |
89/track8.89s | 1578 |
89/track9.89s | 2550 |
89/sup209.89z | 20511 |
92/SKULL.92S | 3347 |
92/TRACK2.92S | 956 |
92/TRACK3.92S | 1086 |
92/TRACK4.92S | 3106 |
92/TRACK5.92S | 2434 |
92/TRACK6.92S | 1192 |
92/TRACK7.92S | 1834 |
92/TRACK8.92S | 1576 |
92/TRACK9.92S | 2548 |
92/SUP209.92P | 19835 |
92+/skull.9xs | 3349 |
92+/track2.9xs | 958 |
92+/track3.9xs | 1088 |
92+/track4.9xs | 3108 |
92+/track5.9xs | 2436 |
92+/track6.9xs | 1194 |
92+/track7.9xs | 1836 |
92+/track8.9xs | 1578 |
92+/track9.9xs | 2550 |
92+/sup209.9xz | 21147 |
Gfx/SUPERCAR.HUF | 3590 |
Gfx/DU.RAS | 352 |
Gfx/DUM.RAS | 352 |
Gfx/FOR.RAS | 352 |
Gfx/FORM.RAS | 352 |
Gfx/LEM.RAS | 352 |
Gfx/LEMM.RAS | 352 |
Gfx/MAIN89.RAS | 632 |
Gfx/MAIN92.RAS | 1568 |
Gfx/POR.RAS | 352 |
Gfx/PORM.RAS | 352 |
Gfx/SUP51.RAS | 352 |
Gfx/SUP61.RAS | 352 |
Gfx/TRUCK.RAS | 352 |
Gfx/TRUCKM.RAS | 352 |
Gfx/SUPER89.HUF | 2984 |
Source/SUP209.ASM | 76585 |
Source/SUPMENU.ASM | 10563 |
Source/SUP92.H | 13516 |
Source/HUF.BAT | 245 |
Source/COSTAB.BIN | 91 |
Source/SUP89.H | 13245 |
Source/SUP92P.H | 13598 |
Source/HUFFMAN.EXE | 15600 |
Source/sup209.sdb | 14626 |
92/SUP209.ASM | 76276 |
92/SUPMENU.ASM | 10402 |
92/SUP92.H | 13724 |
92/TIOS.H | 30771 |