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ZTetris v1.1


Ranked as 64 on our all-time top downloads list with 100251 downloads.
Ranked as 642 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 24 downloads.
Ranked as 196 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.39.

Filename ztetris.zip (Download)
Title ZTetris v1.1
Description The Best Tetris for the TI-83 Plus.
Authors Jimmy MÃ¥rdell (yarin@acc.umu.se)
Ahmed El-Helw (porter) (ahmed@ticalc.org)
Jason Kovacs (porter) (jason_k@calc.org)
Patrick Davidson (porter) (pad@ocf.berkeley.edu)
Sam Heald (porter) (samuel.heald@duke.edu)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (MirageOS)
File Size 17,198 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Jul 27 02:10:11 2000
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Dawson Piercey
Reviewed on 2022-10-04
Graphics - 3/5

While the graphics are nothing special, they stay faithful to the original game for the Game Boy and NES. My only gripe is that the graphics sometimes look slightly ugly for the level backgrounds. I am aware that in 2000, multi-shade grayscale was probably really hard to implement, but it still doesn't look great.

Gameplay - 9/10

ZTetris is just as addicting as the official Game Boy version. The 10 levels each give everyone something. Are you new to the game? Level 0's for you! Intermediate? Level 5 or 6! There's something fore everyone in ZTetris.

Miscellaneous - 4/5

The UI is intuitive, the leaderboard is standard yet fun, and the 2-player mode is an intriguing, innovative idea.

Conclusion - 16/20 (8/10)

ZTetris is one of the quintessential games for a TI-83 Plus. I can see why it's one of the 100 most downloaded programs across all platforms. It isn't a masterclass in anything, nor is it a new kind of game. It just takes the tropes used before and uses them really well. It may not be perfect in everything, but it isn't bad or even average in anything either.

All in all, ZTetris is a commendable game, meaning it gets an 8/10.

See 2 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
linkrout.h   2184
ztetris.asm   30055
ztetris.8xp   3352

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