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Fast Keyboard v1.2


Ranked as 1450 on our all-time top downloads list with 13523 downloads.
Ranked as 4246 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Ranked as 263 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.24.

Filename fastkbd.zip (Download)
Title Fast Keyboard v1.2
Description A program to speed up the auto repeat of the keyboard so you can scroll faster and move the cursor faster. It works even if the calc is turned off.
Author Jeff Flanigan (propalo@yahoo.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 6,967 bytes
File Date and Time Sat May 13 21:53:48 2000
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Travis Evans
Reviewed on 2007-02-21
Evaluation time: 30+ days (Jan. 20, 2007 to the present (Feb. 19, 2007))

Tested on: HW2 TI-89 with AMS 2.09

Pros: Great if you find the default key repeat rate annoyingly slow

Cons: No way to fine-tune the key repeat to your personal tastes

* Stability/Reliability: 10/10

* Features: 7/10

* Size/Efficiency: 10/10

* Ease of use/Usability: 10/10

* Documentation: 9/10

* Overall: 9/10

Recommended: Yes

A frequent complaint I have heard is that the TI-89's auto keyboard repeat rate (the frequency at which keys like the arrow keys repeat when held down) is too slow. It is also too slow for my taste. This program solves this problem by speeding up the keyboard, and keeping it sped up even when the calculator is turned off (many programs like this only work while the calculator is still on). It works great.

There isn't really much that I think can be added to the program, except for the fact that a way to actually adjust the key delay and repeat rates (like some similar programs allow) would have been nice. If you don't like the exact key repeats that this program sets up, it seems you're out of luck unless you edit the source code. I think this feature is essential for programs like this to ensure their flexibility, and this is the only reason my Features and Overall ratings aren't 10/10.

Note: Before using a TSR like this, be sure to get and install HW3Patch or h220xtsr first if you have a Hardware 2.00 or higher TI-89; otherwise, you may experience stability problems. With h220xtsr, this TSR has so far never crashed my calculator.

See 3 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Lisez-moi.txt   1572
Readme.txt   1649
French/fastkbd.9xz   849
French/fastkbd.89z   849
French/Fastkbd.asm   4095
English/Fastkbd.asm   4076
English/fastkbd.9xz   841
English/fastkbd.89z   841

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