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Connect Four 1.4


Ranked as 4215 on our all-time top downloads list with 7728 downloads.
Ranked as 7206 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename connectf.zip (Download)
Title Connect Four 1.4
Author Dan Eble (eble@ticalc.org)
Category TI-85 Assembly Games (ZShell)
File Size 744 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Apr 30 01:03:15 1997
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Rodney Blythe
Reviewed on 2005-06-29
Overall Rating-8/10 Great
Gameplay-6/10 Good
Graphics-9/10 Superb
Speed-10/10 Outstanding
”Connect Four 1.4” is a good clone of the original “Connect Four” (now I do realize that the original is a non-electric game). For those of you who never played “Connect Four,” all you do drop a piece onto a board, with the goal of eventually aligning four pieces (kind of like “tic-tac-toe”). There is an AI built into this game, though I find it to be too hard to beat, kind of like a “Pong” game where the computer almost never loses. Therefore, the gameplay is rather horrible in this “Connect Four” clone. The graphics and speed however, are exceptional for this type of game, and are not an issue. Give this game a try, it may be tough for me, but not for you. Have Fun and Happy Downloading!


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CONNECTF.85S   823

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