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Interactive utilities, animations, and demos
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Last updated Monday, 19 June 2023
Total downloads 15,654
Most popular file  nSpaint 0.7 with 3,622 downloads.

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3d2lua1.0.zip65k23-06-19File is not rated3DToLua 1.0 - Textured 3D Model Demo
Demo that displays 3D models with textures.
colorplasma.zip1k16-03-07File is not ratedColorplasma
Enjoy your Lua colorplasma. Set pixelblocksize with up/down.
colorwheel.zip2k13-08-23File is not ratedColor Wheel
Browse or Select any color on the RGB scale
fractalzoomer.zip17k15-04-05File is not ratedFractal Zoomer
This program lets you zoom through fractals like the mandelbrot set, the julia set and even lets you input other fractal functions. It is optimized for fast rendering and zooming on the handheld. It hast 8 color sets and various other configuration options.
nspaint.zip47k12-04-11File is not ratednSpaint 0.7
nSpaint is a tool which allows you to create, edit and save images. It is designed to help Lua programmers to create sprites, but you can play with it and create images if you don't know Lua. It works on every nSpire model. It requires an OS>3.0 nSpaint contains two editors : nSpaint itself and nAnima, which can be used to create, save and edit animations.
pencilpaint.zip9k14-03-19File is not ratedPencil Paint 1.1
Much better for doodling than the Geometry app, Pencil Paint is a full featured, color drawing program. Tested on OS 3.1. Written in Lua by Karl Noss. Further additions by Nevil Hopley & Andy Kemp, 2012
rainbow.zip1k11-09-16File is not ratedTI-Nspire Rainbow Pattern
This Lua program draws a simple rainbow pattern on the screen of a TI-Nspire. Requires OS 3.0 or greater, but not Ndless. Made for usage on the TI-Nspire CX models.
simple_animation_demo.zip1433k20-06-02File is not ratedSimple Animation Demo
NOTE: ONLY WORKS ON TI NSPIRE CX CAS II... This is my first lua program on the TI nspire. It is a rudimentary animation sequence. I would like to publish this along with the lua code in order to help students understand concepts of programming by being able to read the source code.
tiny3dviewer.zip10k11-12-08File is not ratedTiny3D-Viewer
Represent 8 polyhedra in 3D! Choose the color, the rendering mode, the zoom... You also can draw 3D functions. The 3D drawing is really fast.

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