| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to DOS Utilities |
 | prefargo.zip | 44k | 23-04-11 |  | PreFargo v1.03 Fargo Precompiler v1.03 |
 | tisco.zip | 229k | 20-04-13 |  | TI Simple C Compiler v0.0 A simple C compiler for Z80, ready for TI-86. It supports a DLL system, out-of-the-box only for TI-86 (it's easy to add support for the other calcs), but the compiler can be used with any Z80-based calculator. Generates .86p and .asm files. Note that this is an old unmaintained project, uploaded originally in Jan 1999 and re-uploaded in April 2020 for contacts update. The source code is now available on github: https://github.com/nunojay/tisco |
 | ez83pasm.zip | 81k | 15-04-13 |  | EZ 83+ ASM v1.1 NOTE! I no longer support this package. Original description follows: "This is a package designed to help TI-83+ ASM programmers compile their programs with ease. The zip file includes all the programs necessary to compile an ASM program, including TASM.exe and DEVPAC8X.exe. Once you've downloaded the zip file, open it (don't extract yet) and read the readme file (ezreadme.txt). Note that this package does NOT include any ASM tutorials (possibility for future version?...)." |
 | luna.zip | 1114k | 12-07-01 |  | Luna v0.3a - Lua and TI-Nspire document converter Luna is a portable command-line converter of Lua programs to TNS (executable) TI-Nspire documents, compatible with OS 3.0.2 and above. It can be used as a programmer-friendly alternative to the official kit. Luna also support the convertion of user-defined XML documents. |
 | lc2z80.zip | 79k | 11-09-04 |  | TI-83/TI-83+ light C compiler Very light C compiler for z80. Translate into a z80 file. Possibility to insert parts in assembler. Works with tasm (included with example). Very simple to use. French documentation. Some important bugs corrected. |
 | var8x.zip | 23k | 11-08-19 |  | Var8x version 2 Var8x converts binary files into program files for the TI-82, TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-85, and TI-86. Best of all, it is the only linker for TI-85 Usgard programs that is able to build the relocation table from listing files generated by Brass or SPASM (but it still supports the old TASM too). |
 | disgard.zip | 53k | 05-03-28 |  | Disgard A Z80-disassembler tailored for the TI-85/Usgard environment, Disgard comes also with a limited support for ZShell programs. Attempts to come as close to the original source as possible; features include i.a. relocation processing, branched labeling, intelligent code/data detection. Requires TASM80.TAB and USGARD.H from the Usgard distribution. Contact me to obtain C source. |
 | c_strings.zip | 17k | 04-09-03 |  | C string converter This program will convert an array of C strings into an optimized assembly format as well as generate the necessary assembly routines to access them. This utility is meant to be used with the TIGCC development environment, though it could be used for other purposes. Depending on how many strings are in the C array, it is possible to shave off hundreds of bytes from your programs. For more information, please consult the ReadMe. |
 | qasm.zip | 103k | 04-08-24 |  | Quick Assembly SDK v1.0b This program takes a high level language of my creation and generates an optimized .asm version for compilation with Assembly Studio 8X 4.0 or TASM. Also it converts bitmaps to assembly files for both z80 and 68k. The same QASM code can compile flawlessly for Ion (83 and 83+), Crash (82), MirageOS (83+), DoorsCS (83), and regular 83, 83+, & 86. I'd like to add 68k code generation, but have not the skill yet. Much will be added in the future. Some DOS and command line skill a prerequisite... The only real update is added z80 condition support, which took 2 hours to code (c, nc, z, nz, m, p, pe, po). It's perfect on the 83 and 86 though. |
 | asmenc.zip | 82k | 04-04-27 |  | ASM Listing Encoder V1.0 This small utility encodes parts of a asm listing by a simple CBC-XOR algorithm. To start an encode section u just let a line begin with ;StartEncode=xx (where xx is the 1-byte HEX key) and ;StopEncode to end encoding. |
 | tidate.zip | 24k | 04-02-17 |  | TI Date Stamp Calculator This small utility is intended to be used for everyone that wants to change the date in the app header. Just enter the date you want your app to be dated to and this utility will give you the right information for the $03,$26-field. |
 | xpack_1.02.zip | 21k | 03-08-07 |  | XPack 1.02 A linker for TI-83/8x programs, creates standard (unprotected) programs, protected programs, and appvars. Also works under Windoze 2000 and tells you the program size. |
 | ti8xds1.2beta1.zip | 452k | 03-03-09 |  | TI8xDS - TI8x Developement Kit Assembler and linker for the TI-83 line of graphing calculators |
 | tasm32.zip | 140k | 02-09-27 |  | TASM v3.2 The Telemark Assembler (TASM) is a table driven cross assembler for the MS-DOS and LINUX environments. |
 | inctasm83p.zip | 30k | 02-05-30 |  | Ti83+ include file for TASM This file is a slightly altered version of the newest include file from Texas Instruments (20 Feb 2002) that contains all romcalls and other equates mentioned in the Ti developer guide. |
 | symtable.zip | 19k | 02-04-05 |  | Symbol Table Converter Converts .sym files generated by TASM into .inc files with the equates. |
 | hexclean.zip | 15k | 02-03-02 |  | HexClean v2.32 Converts .hex file output from ZDS or TASM to a .8xp program file |
 | compiler.zip | 69k | 01-07-30 |  | MultiCompiler This program will allow you to compile several files at once |
 | bintodb.zip | 23k | 01-07-09 |  | BinToDB v1.0 A DOS program to convert .bin files to .asm files in .db format. |
 | asmaker86.zip | 64k | 01-06-10 |  | txt2asm86 convert text files to scrollable asm files on 86 in the small graph font |
 | qpack.zip | 30k | 01-06-01 |  | QPack v1.3 Works Like Devpac8x, but it has color, Win2k compatibility, and It tells you the program size. |
 | spiffycp.zip | 66k | 01-04-07 |  | Spiffy Compression This is a new version of Spiffy Compression with a new decompressor that is now 150 bytes. Also the documentation was improved slightly. |
 | asmcomp.zip | 1603k | 01-04-04 |  | Andys Assembler Compiler for 83/83+ This is a compilation of all the programs neccesary to compile a z80/asm file for the 83+ or the 83. It can compile for ion or mirage os. This file also includes many well known ti 83/83+ help files, and the very useful, ti83plus developers guide. Plus it has many common assembly routines you could use in your programs. This is a great compiler and worth the download! |
 | ti83psdk.zip | 302k | 01-03-08 |  | TI-83 Plus Assembly Software Development Kit Package includes everything you need to start programming assembly on your TI-83 Plus calculator, incluing tutorials and examples. |
 | accash.zip | 124k | 01-02-20 |  | Small C z80 TI-82-(cr)ash v4.0 ti-82 c development toolkit: compiler, primitive library and some examples *development ceased* |
 | ti8xccd.zip | 769k | 01-02-07 |  | Ti8xcc v1.10 Developers Edition Z80 based Ti C-compiler. Added 'lots' of stuff during summer-holidays 2000, its called Developers Edition because I didn't take the time to get things "beautified" so you will need to look a bit around for yourself to get things done at the first time. Don't think I'm going to update this compiler, but you can always add things. It would be nice to hear what, but You don't have to. This is an update very fast after the last one, I forgot an ini-file... only 73 bytes, aaah. But without it things wouldn't run... |
 | convcode.zip | 2k | 01-01-06 |  | Code Converter v0.5 This is a simple Perl program which allows the easy conversion of Z80 source. Requires a recent installation of Perl. |
 | bin8x.zip | 24k | 00-09-28 |  | Bin8x TI-83 Plus TIOS Executable squisher This program does the same as the AsmComp( squisher on the TI-83 Plus, so you can simply execute the program with Asm( |
 | obj8x.zip | 25k | 00-09-27 |  | OBJ8X - OBJect to 8Xp converter Tasm OBJ file to TI-83 Plus 8Xp Converter |
 | bmp2z80.zip | 24k | 00-09-23 |  | Bmp2Z80 This is a program that converts 96w x 64h pixel large monochrome windows bitmaps into .db statements needed for TI-83(+) programming. Source included. |
 | sprmaker.exe | 160k | 00-06-29 |  | Sprite Maker for DOS converts a 256 color PCX file into readable assembly code ( the .db %10101010 format) |
 | ti8xcc.zip | 417k | 00-06-10 |  | TI8X CC v1.0 TI83 / TI86 C Compiler v1.0 |
 | objhex.zip | 23k | 00-04-07 |  | ObjHex v1.03 ObjHex is a DOS utility for converting Object files to Hexadecimal code. It is written in C and is very compact. ObjHex is to be used with the TASM assembler and should be used along with my TI-83 Plus Asm tutorials. |
 | sg.zip | 126k | 00-04-04 |  | Source Guru v0.6 Computer program to convert TI-85 ZShell/Usgard programs to run on TI-89, TI-92, and TI-92 Plus |
 | allkeys1.zip | 1k | 00-03-01 |  | All Keys Include File v.1 An include file with all the getkey, direct input, and getcsc values. |
 | trigomaker.zip | 39k | 00-02-27 |  | Trigomaker Tool to generate trigo tables (cosine and sine) as an 68k assembly format (dc.w) |
 | decomp83.zip | 43k | 99-12-08 |  | Z80 Decomp83 v1.4 Beta A version of the Z80 Decompiler for the TI83, including support for labels, text statements, all romcalls & Memequ's and more... |
 | 8xccb5.zip | 412k | 99-08-27 |  | TI-83/TI86 SmallC Compiler Beta-5 of the SmallC Compiler |
 | tasm.zip | 225k | 99-05-26 |  | TASM v3.1 Table Driven Assembler (Z80) |
 | mktios.zip | 85k | 99-04-08 |  | TI-92+ ROM Functions Maker It creates an include file of all known TI-92+ ROM functions from the exec.inc file |
 | 8xccb.zip | 396k | 99-03-09 |  | TI-83 and TI-86 Small C Beta 4 Beta 4 of the notorious TI-8x C compiler. |
 | string85.zip | 13k | 99-02-24 |  | String-85 |
 | multiasm.zip | 40k | 99-01-07 |  | MultiASM v2.0 |
 | archutil.zip | 40k | 99-01-05 |  | Archive Utility v1.00 Allow you to recover your archives after a Crash or a reset |
 | nitro.zip | 101k | 99-01-05 |  | Nitro Alpha v0.34 |
 | tick.zip | 95k | 99-01-05 |  | TICK Programming Package for the TI-85 v1.31 Addon for the Hitech Z80 C compiler to compile code to the TI85. Updated version, SLL bug fixed. |
 | define.zip | 12k | 98-08-06 |  | The Z80 Dictionary Displays operands, size, number of clock cycles, and a description of all the z80 instructions |
 | tasm80ud.zip | 5k | 98-07-29 |  | Updated TASM Z80 Table with Undocumented Features v1.0 |
 | tasm80.zip | 4k | 98-07-28 |  | Updated TASM Z80 Table |
 | tasm80ssl.zip | 4k | 98-07-28 |  | Updated TASM Z80 Table with the SSL Function |
 | fargopas.zip | 180k | 98-06-23 |  | Fargo Pascal Compiler v0.8.13 |
 | lite86.zip | 10k | 98-06-06 |  | Lite86 v1.0 (program compression) |
 | tcc.zip | 60k | 98-05-27 |  | TCC DOS to TI-86 C Crosscompiler v0.2 Beta Compile ANSI C source to run on TI 86, and eventually all TI 8x, calcs |
 | make4bit.zip | 24k | 98-05-16 |  | Make4Bit v1.0 (11 kHz .wav to .83p converter) |
 | devpac83.zip | 3k | 98-04-30 |  | Devpac83 v1.2 (TI-83 linker for Zasmload or AShell83) |
 | autosymb.zip | 9k | 98-04-27 |  | Automatic Symbolic Table Builder for db92 |
 | string20.zip | 2k | 98-02-04 |  | String 2.0 |
 | hal.zip | 232k | 98-01-28 |  | HAL Compiler, required for all HAL installations Higher Assembly Language, converts basic to assembly for the TI 8x. |
 | easm.zip | 1k | 98-01-25 |  | Easy ASM Start v1.2D & v1.2W |
 | asmcon.zip | 16k | 98-01-16 |  | TI-83 Z80 Assembly Text Converter 1.1 |
 | haldos.zip | 81k | 97-12-21 |  | HAL 1.5 (DOS batch version) |
 | varcopy.zip | 4k | 97-12-09 |  | Varcopy 1.1 Copies variables to the 85 Emulator |
 | decomp86.zip | 24k | 97-11-29 |  | Decomp86, decompiler for the TI-86 |
 | custom.zip | 14k | 97-11-03 |  | Custom *.82p File Designer |
 | asm86.zip | 69k | 97-10-14 |  | Asm86 III 86 assembly compiling utility |
 | smallc41.zip | 136k | 97-09-30 |  | 32-bit Small C v4.1 for Usgard 1.1 |
 | usul.zip | 118k | 97-09-23 |  | Usgard Super Utopian Language Alpha 6 Build 150 |
 | disasm.zip | 13k | 97-09-20 |  | Disasm 2.21, Fargo Disassembler |
 | v06_code.zip | 79k | 97-08-31 |  | TIC Compiler 0.6 Beta Source |
 | zbasic04.zip | 59k | 97-08-05 |  | ZBasic 0.4 Beta 2 |
 | ash2oshl.zip | 178k | 97-08-04 |  | Ash <-> OShell-82 Development Kit v1.0 |
 | make85s.bat | 1k | 97-07-24 |  | Batch file to compile ASM to ZShell programs |
 | zcc096.zip | 252k | 97-07-24 |  | Z80 Assembly Developers Kit 0.96 |
 | tic.zip | 41k | 97-07-24 |  | Unfinished Z80 compiler (includes C source) |
 | unz80.zip | 27k | 97-07-24 |  | TI-85-specific Z80 Decompiler v1.0b |
 | zinc8-30.zip | 34k | 97-07-24 |  | Zinc 8.30.96 - C-like language for ZShell programmers |
 | insert.com | 2k | 97-07-24 |  | Inserts ML program into video memory of TI-85 backup |
 | ezcmp.zip | 43k | 97-07-24 |  | EZCMP - Compression system for ZShell |
 | dasm.zip | 45k | 97-07-24 |  | Z80 disassembly tools |
 | relocate.zip | 26k | 97-07-24 |  | ZShell program relocation |
 | scu_16.zip | 18k | 97-07-22 |  | 16-bit Small C v4.0 for Usgard 16-bit Small C for Usgard, requires 32-bit version for libs |
 | reloc.zip | 7k | 97-07-17 |  | RELOC v2.0 |
 | 68asmsim.zip | 157k | 97-07-16 |  | 68000 Assembler/Simulator |
 | tasminc.zip | 12k | 97-07-13 |  | TI-83 Include Files (Modified for TASM) |
 | obj83.zip | 24k | 97-07-13 |  | OBJect to 83P Converter v1.0 |
 | 83lnk.zip | 9k | 97-07-13 |  | 83lnk v1.0 |
 | zcc_16.zip | 18k | 97-06-30 |  | 16-bit Small C v3.5 for ZShell Small-C compiler for ZSHell req small_c.zip |
 | small_c.zip | 106k | 97-06-26 |  | 32-bit Small C v3.5 for ZShell |
 | asm82.zip | 25k | 97-06-24 |  | OShell-82 Developers Kit |
 | ticheadr.zip | 13k | 97-06-16 |  | TiCHeaDeR 1.0.0 Build 1 |
 | precomp.zip | 3k | 97-06-15 |  | Pre-compiler 0.01 Beta (TIC Programs) |
 | ticc07b.zip | 42k | 97-05-08 |  | TIC Compiler 0.7 Beta (C to 68K) |
 | paced.zip | 20k | 97-04-27 |  | PacED 0.5 Beta - FPacman 1.4.1 Level Editor PacED 0.5 Beta FPacman 1.4.1 Level Editor |
 | fargdis.zip | 15k | 97-04-27 |  | FARGDIS 0.2 Beta - Fargo Disassembler |
 | easyasm.zip | 51k | 97-04-27 |  | EasyASM Beta - TI-BASIC to 68k Fargo Converter |