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Last updated Sunday, 17 August 2003
Total downloads 68,666
Most popular file  Simpson Font with 17,805 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-92 Plus Variables
aldine.zip1k01-02-09Aldine Font
Aldine Font character set
cataneo.zip1k01-02-09Cataneo Font
Cataneo Font character set
cevathrm.zip1k11-05-30Ceva's Theorem
A picture of Ceva's Theorem.
chasm.zip1k01-02-09Chasm Font
Chasm Font character set
dolphin.zip1k01-02-09Dolphin Font
Dolphin Font character set
english.zip1k01-02-09English Font
English Font character set
gummacir.zip1k11-06-04Tangent Circles
A picture of three tangent circles and the relations of their coordinates on the Cartesian plane.
pictures TI basic
odessa.zip1k01-02-09Odessa Font
Odessa Font character set
Image of a pentagon illustrating some important characteristics.
rtioarea.zip1k11-06-15Quadrilateral Within Another Quadrilateral
A picture that displays a quadrilateral "inscribed" with another one. Can be used to specify the effects of at least two well-known and useful geometric formulas.
simpson.zip1k01-02-09Simpson Font
Simpson Font character set
squ_squa.zip1k11-06-15Square Within Square
This program declares various lengths on a square when another square is "inscribed" within it. This yields itself to the application of at least one well-known, useful formula.
stewarts.zip1k11-06-15Stewart's Theorem
A pictorial representation of Stewart's Theorem. This can easily be used in another program that requires specific user input for certain lengths in the Stewart-style triangle.
tango.zip1k01-02-09Tango Font
Tango Font character set
times.zip1k01-02-09Times Font
Times Font character set
trapezod.zip1k11-06-15Trapezoid I
A picture of a trapezoid that sets itself up for use in programs that require specific inputs for specific sides. Also yields the possibility of solving for the area of one of the four triangles made by drawing the diagonals of the triangle.
trapzoidpic.zip1k11-06-15Trapezoid II
A picture that has the diagonals and the median of a trapezoid drawn in, with its points accurately labeled. This picture sets itself up to yield at least four important and useful formulas concerning trapezoids.

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