| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-92 Plus Assembly Misc. Programs |
 | ttools.zip | 404k | 05-04-03 |  | Ttools 0.2beta Its an universal uninstaller for my own convention of TSRs :) It can also give some informations about the installed TSRs |
 | multclip.zip | 382k | 05-04-03 |  | MultClip MultClip is a small TSR which extends the copy&paste of your TI, with the possibility of having more than one text in the paste buffer |
 | fastkbd4.zip | 88k | 05-04-03 |  | FastKbd 4 A small TSR which allows to choose the speed of you keyboard (for arrows and backspace keys) |
 | chartabl_2.zip | 283k | 05-04-03 |  | CharTabl 2.00 Changes the [2nd][CHAR] option for a char table with an easier access to all characters |
 | aclock.zip | 87k | 05-04-03 |  | AClock 1.00 Displays a little clock on the screen :) |
 | zipper.zip | 115k | 03-11-19 |  | Zipper A little program to zip and unzip in format ZIPLIB. Requires preOS. It has been programmed in C language with TIGCC. It adapts automatically to the TI-89/92 PLus/V200. Try it ! |
 | porsche.zip | 216k | 03-11-19 |  | Porsche A gallery of the most beautiful Porsche. An essential program for those who are fond of these cars, like me ! It has been programmed in C language with TIGCC in nostub mode. It adapts automatically to the TI-89/92 PLus/V200. Try it ! |
 | smqedit92p_ams_2.0x.zip | 75k | 02-01-01 |  | [AMS 2.0x] SMQ Editor v0.9 SMQ Editor Version 0.9 Beta for AMS 2.0x |
 | nom.zip | 24k | 01-07-11 |  | Repertoire Un repertoir complet qui permet le rappel de date d'anniversaire et plein d'autres choses hyper utile A DOWNLOADER ABSOLUEMENT |
 | runc92.zip | 87k | 01-06-01 |  | Runc v1.30 Compress your program (Nostub or Kernel) -Very stable - Need Shrnklib v1.00.p2 |
 | dterm.zip | 3k | 01-04-25 |  | DTerm Terminal de Chat pour TI92+/TI89 |
 | hreader.zip | 36k | 01-02-07 |  | Hreader v0.70b v0.70b Hreader is a H-- documents viewer. H-- is a hypertexte language based on HTML and C++ syntaxes. The documentation is actually in french, but there will be an english one as soon as possible. Many new features in this version: you can now use pictures or smilleys in your files, you can display a message in the status bar and much more... |
 | network.zip | 23k | 01-01-22 |  | TI NetWork alpha 1 Simply a NetWork for your calc :) |
 | library.zip | 5k | 00-10-10 |  | Libs for AS92 Include files for AS92 |
 | ansview.zip | 4k | 00-09-17 |  | Answer Viewer This is a kbd program which will devot the entire screen to the display of the most recent answer in histroy. |
 | paint.zip | 9k | 00-08-07 |  | Painter 92+ v2.0 New version of painter, with file saving and compression |
 | doorsp.zip | 36k | 00-07-13 |  | Doors Explorer v2.02 |
 | necalc.zip | 5k | 00-05-15 |  | NECalc NECalc allows you to save programs for other calcs on your 68k calc and later return them. |
 | filecmp.zip | 32k | 00-05-03 |  | File Compare v1.00 A file comparator, for TI92, TI92+, TI89 |
 | windos.zip | 102k | 00-05-02 |  | WINDOS A kind of program handler, which includes an explorer and a paint. It works on all calculators. |
 | as92.zip | 54k | 00-04-02 |  | AS92 THE on calc assembler now works on AMS 2.03 AND have macros support included. You can now write very long/interesting programs and can use WriteStr :). |
 | ontic.zip | 37k | 00-04-02 |  | Ontic v0.99 (User Version) ontiu 0.99 - user version (when you want to use it) |
 | onticd.zip | 86k | 00-04-02 |  | Ontic v0.99 (Developer Version) ontic 0.99 - developer version |
 | txtrider.zip | 33k | 00-03-19 |  | TxtRider v1.0 Beta 96 This program is a text viewer.The browser remembers last open file slow down when displaying pictures (which were displayed too fastly) . A few bugs correction. compatible with ROM v2.XX. RELEASE ON TI-FR |
 | demo.zip | 1k | 00-03-02 |  | Demo A simple demo showing the potential of your TI-92. Runs under AMS 2.03. |
 | findit.zip | 9k | 00-03-02 |  | Find It!+ v1.0 Find It ! is a prog that looks for the word you entered in all the TEXT files. |
 | hexview.zip | 6k | 00-01-29 |  | HexView v1.03+ A powerful hexviewer for the TI-92+ |
 | disass.zip | 14k | 99-12-30 |  | Disass2.03 Disass working on 2.03 |
 | au.zip | 62k | 99-11-19 |  | Archive Utility v3.00 This utility allows you to manage your archives. The most interesting use is that you can recover ALL your archives after a CRASH or a RESET !! You know, sometimes it happens :) AU3 was *entirely* rewritten since AU2. It's more complete, more stable and it is interface in a better way with the TIOS. |
 | sview.zip | 9k | 99-09-20 |  | SView v1.0 A text viewer. |
 | p_apps.zip | 26k | 99-09-08 |  | Prosit Apps v1.0 3 little gadgets for Prosit OS |
 | torus.zip | 61k | 99-09-06 |  | Torus Torus demo for Prosit v0.70.1 |
 | hexterm.zip | 4k | 99-05-27 |  | HexTerminal Hexterminal for Linkport |
 | linkport.zip | 2k | 99-05-26 |  | Linkport Hexviewer Linkport Dump (Hexviewer) |
 | jptest2.zip | 1k | 99-04-17 |  | JPTest #2 Displays the Japanese Katakana alphabet. |
 | jptest1.zip | 1k | 99-04-17 |  | JPTest #1 Displays the Japanese Hiragana alphabet. |
 | jpwrite.zip | 13k | 99-04-17 |  | JPWrite Japanese writing program |
 | plusview.zip | 5k | 99-04-12 |  | PlusView v0.9 The PlusView text viewer v0.9 |
 | ekv.zip | 17k | 99-04-08 |  | EkViewer v1.3 Fast viewer of text files with special fonts & long filenames (English and French) |
 | lookup.zip | 3k | 99-03-03 |  | Lookup Look for Strings in Memory |
 | agenda.zip | 15k | 99-03-03 |  | Agenda v1.0 Agenda is a Datebook |
 | db92p.zip | 30k | 99-03-03 |  | db92 v0.7.2 A port of DB92 for TI92 Plus |
 | irremote.zip | 4k | 99-03-01 |  | IR Remote v2.0 |
 | ftext.zip | 1k | 99-02-28 |  | Fargo-Text v0.90 Write a passed string in a passed color and font on the graph screen |
 | ziper.zip | 11k | 99-02-26 |  | Ziper v1.1 Compressor Decompressor |
 | textview.zip | 6k | 99-02-26 |  | TextView v1.1 A very fast Text Viewer |
 | xetalp.zip | 45k | 99-01-03 |  | XeTaL+ v1.15 Formatted text viewer |
 | pwprotect.zip | 2k | 99-01-01 |  | Pwprotect v1.0 |
 | shell.zip | 6k | 98-12-06 |  | PlusShell Browser |
 | doorspic.zip | 1k | 98-12-06 |  | Doors Picture Viewer v1.0 |
 | moremem.zip | 1k | 98-12-06 |  | More Memory |
 | graphtst.zip | 1k | 98-12-06 |  | GraphLib Test Program |
 | all_phps.zip | 7k | 98-11-16 |  | Test All RC5 Codes with the IR Link v2.0 |
 | whizz92p.zip | 9k | 98-10-14 |  | Whizz! Alpha 4 An OS for the TI-92 Plus that features folders and is meant to replace the one by Texas Instruments. |
 | hexdump.zip | 1k | 98-08-12 |  | Hexadecimal Memory Viewer |
 | hex.zip | 4k | 98-08-12 |  | Hex Editor v1.3 |