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Last updated Monday, 5 December 2011
Total downloads 91,045
Most popular file  Physics Solver v1.2--Waves with 29,243 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-89 BASIC Science Programs
chaos.zip2k00-04-05File is not ratedChaos Theory Programs
Various Examples of Chaos Theory
fizzix89.zip5k00-04-03File is not ratedFizzix89
This Program Is a compilation of almost every equation you will ever need for the AP Physics B Exam grouped by category and implemented by the toolbar and dropdown menus! This does not do the math for you - because you have to show your work anyhow! Thusly, this program inlcudes all equations learned up through April 1st 2000 and includes Units. By May 12th, a new edition should be released that has concepts and the final touches. So easy to use, no wonder its number 1! ;) Enjoy for now!!!
fizzix.zip3k01-01-29File is not ratedFizzix89 Final
This Program Is a compilation of almost every equation you will ever need for the AP Physics B Exam grouped by category and implemented by the toolbar and dropdown menus! This does not do the math for you - because you have to show your work anyhow! Thusly, this program inlcudes all equations learned up through April 1st 2000 and includes Units. Sorry for the delay, folks! Apparently - the revised edition was sitting on my old pc this entire time when I had thought I lost it to a calculator crash! Anyways, this new edition sports the long awaited concepts/final touches. So easy to use, no wonder its number 1! ;) Enjoy for now!!!
hwf.zip6k11-12-05File is not ratedHydrogen Wave Functions
Given three quantum numbers, this function will return the corresponding wave function for an electron in a hydrogen atom in spherical coordinates. Will not allow the user to input invalid quantum number combinations.
lorentzf.zip1k09-11-03File is not ratedLorentz Factor (Special Relativity Calculation)
enter the velocity as the only parameter, and find the Lorentz factor, which is useful in many special relativity calculations
miscelan.zip8k03-09-01File is not ratedPhysics Solver v1.2--Miscellaneous
A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 4 different equations relating to miscellaneous topics.
mmpkg.zip8k10-10-25File is not ratedMathematical Physics Functions
This a collection of useful functions I wrote for a mathematical physics course. Included functions, most of which allow for any dimension in the arguments: curl, directional derivative, divergence, exact normalized eigenvalues and eigenvectors, error function, complimentary error function, imaginary error function, gradient, inverse curl, inverse divergence, inverse gradient, jacobian transformation, laplace transformation, magnitude, beta function, standard normal distribution function, and a gamma function that has exact results for n/2 and can handle negative numbers.
qnotab.zip1k01-06-12File is not ratedQuantum Number Table
table of quantum numbers used in determining electron configuration and such. A good question on tests.
quantum.zip10k03-09-01File is not ratedPhysics Solver v1.2--Quantum Theory
A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 10 different equations relating to quantum theory.
waves.zip9k03-09-05File is not ratedPhysics Solver v1.2--Waves
A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 8 different equations relating to light and sound waves.
wolfram.zip3k02-06-04File is not ratedWolfram's Rule #30
For a REALLY good explanation, look at http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/10.06/wolfram.html . Otherwise, read the readme.

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