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Last updated Sunday, 12 December 2010
Total downloads 25,976
Most popular file  Dice Roller v1.1 with 5,614 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-89 BASIC Misc. Programs
birthdayprob.zip1k02-10-26File is not ratedBirthday Probability Calculator
This program takes the number of people in a room and displays the probability that two or more people in the room share the same birthday.
dados.zip1k05-03-13File is not ratedDados V 0.1!!
A Dice Roller!
diceroll.zip2k99-02-28File is not ratedTI-89 Dice Roller v1.0
Fast, versitile dice roller, ported from TI 86 dice roller.
dice.zip1k98-09-16File is not ratedDice Roller v1.1
Roll different types of dice, add or subtract from totals, and roll weighted dice.
euro_millions.zip6k08-04-14File is not ratedEuro Millions Generator
This program generates and saves numbers to Euro Million Lottery.
main.dice.zip1k03-08-26File is not ratedDice RX
This program randomly rolls one and two dice.
multidice.zip1k03-05-07File is not ratedMultiple Dice program
A rather simple-to-use dice program that displays 1-9 dice of arbitrary size. Calculates sum and average as well.
probsim.zip11k13-12-12File is not ratedProbSim
After my AP Statistics teacher used the ProbSim app on his TI84+, I wanted to create something similar for the TI89. This program can calculate up to 12 weighted outcomes, and generate up to 9999 trials. Update: Version 1.1 to fix major bugs in dice preset; creates PROBSIM folder to store variables.
randbin.zip1k10-12-12File is not ratedRandom Binary
Generate strings of random binary numbers.
randchar.zip1k10-12-12File is not ratedRandom Characters
Generate a series of random characters. Included are letters, numbers, Greek letters and symbols.
randomfind.zip7k03-11-19File is not ratedPax Randomana
This is a handy programming function that finds a random integer between two specified integers. Works with positive, negative integers, and zero. Very small and compact in size. This function is better than some of those 1000 byte programs I've seen out there cause it's smaller, it does the same thing, and it's easier to use. Refer to the README for a program sample and detailed instructions.
randomnumbergenerator.zip1k03-11-14File is not ratedRandom Number Generator v1.1
Random Number Generator picks random numbers between 2 specified numbers.
shadowrun.zip1k02-10-23File is not ratedShadowrun Universal Dice Roller
This program rolls dice according to the Shadowrun RPG rules. Incorporates the Rule of Six and the Rule of One. Excellent program to have if you are too poor to buy dice (even though you did buy a 150 dollar calculator).
weighteddice.zip2k04-01-19File is not ratedWeighted Dice V1.00
Weighted Dice is a dice rolling function for weighted dice instead of ordinary dice. It functions much like RPGDice. Weighted Dice supports unlimited numbers of dice and unlimited sides per die. (C) 2004 Enchanted Coders.
whattodo.zip10k04-04-06File is not ratedWhat to Do?
What to Do? is a program for those who have way too many hobbies and can never decide on which one to work on. :-) It works by letting you create virtual spinners with the names of your projects, and you can then spin them to see which one they land on. Has other uses, too.

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