| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-89 BASIC Misc. Programs |
 | anagramchecker.zip | 1k | 17-02-10 |  | Anagram Checker Check the anagramness of your anagrams. You can see it played at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4VFyCwt6n4. |
 | anagram.zip | 2k | 02-03-02 |  | Anagram Two functions which generate a random anagram of a string passed to them. I made two just to demonstrate different possible methods. The second one is much faster than the first (about 18 to 19 *times* as fast). |
 | answer.zip | 1k | 99-03-13 |  | Answer v1.0 This program will generate a random sentence. |
 | bigtext.zip | 2k | 02-01-16 |  | Bigtext This programm displays BIG words on the screen(can be seen from 20-30 feet) |
 | brun.zip | 4k | 03-12-31 |  | BRUN Latin Translator v1.0 This program will translate to and from BRUN Latin, a language developed right here on the message boards of ticalc.org. I'm not quite sure how this could be useful, but it sure is fun to play with! All yuor bsae aer bleong to us. |
 | conjgate89.zip | 6k | 02-11-20 |  | Spanish Conjugator This is the ultimate Spanish verb conjugator. The current version supports virtually all the funny little rules that can sometimes be hard to remember. The program can accurately conjugate all regular verbs, including those with not-so-regular spelling changes. Massive lists of annoying stem-changing verbs and chaotic exceptions to every rule written, those pesky irregular verbs, are also included in the program's data-base. |
 | conjuge89.zip | 1k | 04-02-22 |  | El Conjugator de Español(The Spanish Conjugator) An update from the previous Conjugator de Español. This version has efficient code, reduced size, and is a little bit faster. It still conjugates all regular Spanish verbs from the infinitive to the yo; tú; él, ella, Ud.; nosotros; vosotros; and ellos, ellas, Uds forms in present, past, or imperfect tense. |
 | cp_gen.zip | 4k | 02-08-04 |  | Clause & Phrase Generator This "suite" of programs automatically generates random, readable clauses and phrases. |
 | crazy.zip | 1k | 01-01-04 |  | CRazy TeXt v12.0 Do lots of fun things with any text under 26 caracters |
 | definition.zip | 2k | 00-04-15 |  | Definition (French) Cherche efficacement un ensemble de définition d'une fonction à votre place |
 | dinotalk2.zip | 2k | 07-03-31 |  | Starfox Adventures Language Translator 2 This is a small program that translates to and from Dino language in Starfox Adventures. It can translate up to 190 characters, with punctuation now included. It can translate at about 15 characters a second on a HW3. This version has a few updates which can be found in the readme file. Take a look at the screenshots. This translates to the true language, not just randomizing it up. |
 | eng2pig.zip | 1k | 00-05-15 |  | Eng2Pig 100% Perfect English to Pig Latin function. (Yes, Function, not program) |
 | french2.zip | 1k | 99-11-19 |  | French Verb Conjugator This conjugates regular and irregular french verbs to the different pronouns. |
 | french3.zip | 1k | 00-03-01 |  | French Verb Un-Conjugator Displays the infinitive form of a verb after typing in another form (je, tu, il/elle, vous, nous, ils/elles) |
 | french.zip | 1k | 99-02-28 |  | French Verb Helper v1.0 Beta view the conjugation of the verbs i learned so far updated often |
 | instantlatin.zip | 6k | 05-09-26 |  | LATIN translator (Latin to English only) LATIN features an extremely simple error-free interface. It also features instantaneous translation (a feature uncommon in BASIC translation programs), using the inString() function. You can easily add/edit words by using the built-in editor. |
 | ir.zip | 1k | 00-07-22 |  | Spanish Conjugations Of "Ir" This is a very small program that tells you the conjugations of the spanish verb "ir". Very useful on tests :) |
 | japanese.zip | 30k | 99-02-28 |  | Japanese Writing Program Japanese writing program |
 | japtran.zip | 16k | 03-03-06 |  | Japanese Translator This program is a Kanji Lookup System that allows you to find the meanings of 134 of the most common Kanji today from the number of strokes the symbol has. |
 | kanatrainer.zip | 67k | 07-09-08 |  | KANA Trainer Designed for beginner Japanese learners. This small program will help you memorize Kana characters (Hiragana and Katakana) like you would do with flashcards. The calculator shows you a random character and you must find the translation, you can then check your answer by pressing Enter. (French and English versions included). |
 | latin.zip | 2k | 01-12-16 |  | Latin Study This program lets you study Latin words and grammar. They are sorted by units and lessons from GLENCOE Latin for Americans - Book I. I only have unit 1 typed, but more units coming soon! Look for updates often. |
 | latran.zip | 12k | 00-06-15 |  | Latin Translator II v1.4b Release 3 An English to Latin, Latin to English, & Rman Converter in one. Designed for students in Latin I words, Latin II & III coming soon. An updated & fully compatible with ROM 2.03 version. |
 | morse_89.zip | 1k | 13-11-11 |  | Morse Code Translator This nifty little program will translate inputted text into Morse code, or flash the dots and dashes as if they were being sent by flashlight, telegraph, etc. |
 | morse_code.zip | 2k | 04-06-07 |  | Memorize Morse Code v1.1 A program to help you memorize morse code! |
 | morse.zip | 1k | 99-10-13 |  | Morse Code Converter v2.0 Converts to and from Morse Code. |
 | nametoinitials.zip | 1k | 16-12-27 |  | Name to Initials Discover the initials hidden within names, words, and phrases that you provide. |
 | nifty.zip | 5k | 00-12-01 |  | Pretty Nifty French Verb Conjugator This program conjugates regular and irregular French verbs in five different tenses. A great program for beginning and intermediate students of French. Quick and small. |
 | niqeylis.zip | 14k | 03-08-17 |  | nIQeylIS 89 Klingon Translator A Klingon/English translator for the TI-89 written entirely in TI-BASIC. Includes affix charts and pictures of the Klingon alphabet. Takes up just 20k memory. User-expandable vocabulary. v1.1. I added more vocabulary and increased lookup speed. Now has about 280 Klingon words. |
 | oe.zip | 8k | 02-04-15 |  | Old English Translator Rather simple, really. It will request a modern English word, then try to translate it into Old English. The current version supports 193 words, most of which start with a or b. The web site I use to find words is located at http://www.mun.ca/Ansaxdat/vocab/wordlist.html . Since there are 59 PAGES of words for the letters a-i alone, I have a feeling a final version will take a *long* time. Expect it out within a year... |
 | piggy.zip | 1k | 00-12-24 |  | Pig Latinizer This is an advanced program that can turn any sentence into full pig latin. it includes many neat features. instead of rotate, i used left, right, and dim commands to make it. also, it inclues a semi word wrap feature for longer sentences. |
 | presentprogressive.zip | 1k | 04-03-08 |  | Spanish Present Progressive Conjugator This program conjugates regular Spanish verbs in the infinitive tense to the yo; tú; él, ella, Ud.; nosotros; vosotros; and ellos, ellas, Uds forms. Great for studying! |
 | rootlist.zip | 3k | 01-12-22 |  | Root List A list of 390 common roots and their definitions |
 | span89.zip | 1k | 00-05-09 |  | Spanish Verb Conjugator Conjugates regular Spanish verbs into four commonly used tenses. |
 | spanish1.zip | 2k | 01-02-04 |  | Spanish Verb Conjugator This is a verb conjugator which will conjugate any REGULAR Spanish verb into any tense. Uses a simple dialog box interface, great for students in any level Spanish class |
 | spanish3.zip | 2k | 02-01-15 |  | Spanish 1 Verbs a simple flash card program with 120 spanish 1 verbs |
 | spanish89.zip | 1k | 99-10-09 |  | Spanish89 v1.12 This handy prog has spanish verb endings. |
 | spanish.zip | 5k | 00-09-28 |  | Spanish Helper v1.0 This is a program for people in Spanish class or who want to learn some Spanish. This program has instructions on conjugating -ar, -er, and -ir verbs. I have given an extensive number of verbs for your use. I have also given examples of conjugated verbs so you can get the idea. |
 | svc.zip | 7k | 01-06-08 |  | Spanish Verb Conjugator v2.0 This program is an update that contains a lot of cool new features, like proper conjugation of orthographic-changing verbs and many common irregular verbs, and conjugating verbs for all subjects at once. |
 | tran1337.zip | 1k | 04-08-24 |  | Translator English to Leet For all of those who know how to speak leet (1337) or wanna learn this programs translates english into leet and you can add more 1 letter translation by looking at the spek1337 Data. |
 | translate_traducir.zip | 374k | 09-05-04 |  | Translate / Traducir v1.1 ENGLISH: This program is a basic english - spanish translator with The 500 Most Commonly Used Words in the English Language as database, It also includes 3 Folios (Note Folio APP) with about 7450 words from the IDP for using as dictionary and a Folio with 259 spanish - english verbs by Maggie Locke. TI-89, TI-92, TI-92 Plus, Voyage 200 and TI-89 Titanium compatible. ESPAÑOL: Este programa es un traductor basico ingles - espanol con Las 500 Palabras Mas Comunmente Usadas en el Lenguaje Ingles como base de datos, incluye tambien 3 Folios (APP NoteFolio) con aproximadamente 7450 palabras del IDP para usar como diccionario y un Folio con 259 verbos español - inglés por Maggie Locke. Compatible con TI-89, TI-92, TI-92 Plus, Voyage 200 y TI-89 Titanium. |
 | verbos.zip | 4k | 02-09-27 |  | ***Spanish Verb Endings Plus v. 1.1*** This fine program is just the one you need. It can help you (study for/cheat on) your Spanish tests very well guaranteed. It comes complete with: 1. a helpful menu 2. a revised cheat sheet!!! (New, not in version 1.0) 3. a test for AR, ER, and IR verb endings 4. a scorekeeper!!! (New, not in version 1.0) I think that this is a super program and I hope you do to. Try it! |
 | vocab.zip | 2k | 00-03-13 |  | Vocabulary v2.0 |
 | wonderconjspanish.zip | 34k | 03-03-05 |  | WonderConj 4.1 [Spanish] This program is capable of conjuagting sixty-two inflections of most Spanish verbs. Download updates for irregular verbs. Includes eighty irregular verbs. Al Dio estu la glorio. |
 | writejapanese.zip | 21k | 01-02-04 |  | Write Japanese Write hiragana and katakana with this all new Japanese writing program. You can save your documents too! |
 | write.zip | 1k | 04-07-08 |  | write89 Finally you get to see non-alphabetized languages in your calc! this program will let you write languages like Chinese, Japanese, and so on! Try it and see for yourself! |