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Last updated Wednesday, 19 May 2004
Total downloads 40,804
Most popular file  Sebastian's Games Package with 7,892 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-89 BASIC Games
bash.zip9k01-02-04File is not ratedBunnytooth Bash
The party game for your calculator. Four different mini-games and eight characters. Blows Mario Party and Crash Bash out of the sky!!
dumbgames.zip1k00-03-02File is not ratedDumb Games Gamepak
Two very stupid games. Provides hours or minutes - whichever comes first - of uninterupted fun.
funpack.zip3k03-09-05File is not ratedGamepack
A pack of four games including the famous strategy game business and a cool madlib! Don't forget the take the last block game. A good download. All here in gamepack!
hoprogs.zip5k99-12-25File is not ratedHo Games
A package of assorted games made by me in Math and French. Includes Nibbles (with moving end) and butt catcher.
microgames.zip4k04-05-19File is not ratedmicrogames
a collection of games.written in basic.Requires flib 3.2
mpg.zip1k03-04-29File is not ratedMindless Playground Games
These two-player games are the same ones you used to play in Kindergarten. They include tic tac toe, rock paper scissors, hide & go seek, and higher or lower. Begin program with play(). If you want to go back to the menu, enter zero when it prompts a number. Designed to take up the least amount of memory possible, but still very entertaining. Send questions, comments, edits to my e-mail.
mygames.zip11k03-03-05File is not ratedMy Games
My Games you will love, well these are the not complicated ones feel free to learn from them.
srgames.zip6k00-09-02File is not ratedSebastian's Games Package
This is a games package featuring a computer-AI lights game, which is very addictive and almost unbeatable, a two-player pong game, and a funny word creator. All of these games have been written on-calc and can be installed seperately.
stickman.zip6k98-09-07File is not ratedThe Stickman Collection
A suite of games featuring Stickman.

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