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Last updated Tuesday, 5 July 2016
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Most popular file  Monopoly v3.9a with 26,402 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-89 BASIC Games
cardsfolder TI-89 BASIC Games (Board/Cards)
chessfolder TI-89 BASIC Games (Board/Chess, Checkers)
dicefolder TI-89 BASIC Games (Board/Dice)
strategyfolder TI-89 BASIC Games (Board/Strategy)
tictactoefolder TI-89 BASIC Games (Board/Tic-Tac-Toe)
snakesandladders.zip6k16-07-05File is not ratedSnakes and Ladders
Journey to square 100 through a heart-pounding world of fiendish snakes and rejuvenating ladders. Explore the board through differing graphical perspectives. Customize your names and symbolic appearance. Play competitively against another person or the computer, or take on the adventure individually. Easily switch between various imaginative boards, or create your own. This game is also known as Chutes and Ladders.
plinko.zip9k08-01-05File is not ratedPlinko version 1.1
This is a really fun plinko game I made. All you have to do is send the program to your calculator and run the it with no arguments. For the first run, it will generate a picture file called "pboard" and a matrix of the high score table called "plnkscrs". This is so it doesn't have to take 1-2 minutes to draw the board each time. To play: Just move the piece left and right until at a desired position. Then, press enter and the ball goes down into one of the slots. On the sides, it shows what each side is worth. If you are higher than the lowest score on the high scores table, your score will overwrite that score. There is only one con about this: the high scores are not in order. However, there is a seperate list of 5 for each number of balls. There are also a few screenshots in the zip folder. There were a few minor problems in version 1.0 that I fixed in this newer version. Also, this is in BASIC so it should never crash.
menfin_v101.zip200k05-01-01File is not ratedM'enfin !
French Only. If you want to translate this game in your own language, please mail me at the e-mail address below. This is a board game with a famous belgian comic character : Gaston Lagaffe. His musical instrument has been destroyed by a person... But Who? Where? With what? As you can see, this game follows some rules of a famous detective game, but it is not exactly this game! Please remember that this game is written in french !
taipei2.zip74k03-08-08File is not ratedTaipei 89 v2.0 by Grégory Christen
The game of Mah-Jong finally on TI-89, with many features / Le jeu de Mah-Jong enfin sur TI-89, avec de nombreuses fonctions !
main.plnkinst.zip1k03-04-15File is not ratedPlinko
Yes, the classic Price is Right game, finally on the 89! Enjoy all the joy (and sorrow) of winning (or losing) BIG MONEY!!! Just send the the install file to your calc and run it, then have a blast!
chutesladders.zip7k03-03-17File is not ratedChutes and Ladders
Chutes and ladders is very easy to learn and play. There can be anywhere between 1 and 5 players.
bingo.zip10k01-12-16File is not ratedBingo v1.0
The classic BINGO game. Features are: free space, random number drawer, lets you check which have been drawn, and you can mark the matched squares.
monopoly.zip19k99-02-28File is not ratedMonopoly v3.9a
Is an updated bugfree version. Version 3.9a

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