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Number of files 13
Last updated Saturday, 18 September 2004
Total downloads 106,866
Most popular file  Periodic Table 89 v2.0 Beta with 22,155 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-89 Assembly Science Programs
chembal.zip17k04-09-18File is not ratedChemical Balancer and Other Tools
Balance chemical equations, find molar mass for any molecule, find percent mass, calculate limiting reactant. This program is simple and easy to use.
chemdata.zip2k99-11-05File is not ratedChemistry Database
A chemistry database. Now with subscripts
chimie.zip3k00-06-05File is not ratedChimie Organique v2.0 (French)
Ce programme est une sorte de formulaire qui contient toutes les fonctions en chimie organique. Trés utile pour les élèves de première et de terminale. Il s'agit de la version finale du programme.
electron.zip40k01-04-04File is not ratedElectron v2.0
It's a soft for simulate the logic circuit (AND,OR,NOT,...)
period2.zip12k00-04-09File is not ratedAdv. Periodic Table v1.0
Advanced Periodic Table v1.0
period89.zip24k00-04-19File is not ratedPeriodic Table 89 v2.0 Beta
The periodic table for the TI89. Works on AMS 2.0x
periodic.zip7k99-09-29File is not ratedPeriodic Table v1.9
The periodic table: displays element name, number, symbol, mass, and electron configuration in a nice graphical format.
period.zip6k98-11-16File is not ratedPeriodic Table Light
pertable.zip16k01-02-03File is not ratedPeriodic Table
An easy to use periodic table program with useful functions. Take a look at the Readme
pte.zip95k00-09-07File is not ratedPeriodic Table of Elements 2001 v1.01
This is a periodic table program that is jamed packed with infomation. It contains information from atomic radius to element-element distance to nuclear spin on most elements. That is not all, this program also contains a fast, flexible and intellegent search engine with many other features making it possibly the best periodic table program ever created for TI calculators.
tableaul.zip8k00-05-09File is not ratedTableau périodique v3.10a Light (French)
a french chemical table, light version
tableau.zip33k00-10-15File is not ratedTableau périodique v3.00a (French)
a french chemical table with more than 15 informations on the 112 first elements (compressed)
totchem.zip16k01-04-07File is not ratedTotal Chemistry v0.11
Easy to use, full of functions, look at the Readme for more information.

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