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Last updated Monday, 3 October 2005
Total downloads 9,667
Most popular file  3D Calculator with 2,603 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-89 Assembly Graphics Programs
calc89.zip1k03-03-193D Calculator
This is a generic-looking graphing calculator, complete with link port. (It was harder than you think!) It looks a lot better in Solid than in Wire Frame.
coneheadscoutship.zip79k03-06-24Beldar's scout ship from the movie
Highranking Beldar's Galactic scout ship, the one inwhich he failed to deploy the cloaking de-vise. He was de-feated by the blunt-skulls. Now, after zerls of wai-ting you can manuever an exact replicaahhh....... Farewellprymak, chief of the high counsil on remulark, -out! 2206EST;6/23/03.
A 3d image of a helicopter that you can rotate around. The distortion is pretty high so change it if you want.
saturnv.zip1k05-04-26Saturn V
This is a model of the Saturn V rocket, made with Edit3d. Its not terrific or anything but has all the major components, all stages, Launch Escape System (LES), 5 main engines, fins and couplers. Poly count is quite high so give it time to load in solid mode especially.
sgtank.zip1k05-07-10A Siege Tank!
This is an Edit3D model of a tank with treads, two massive main cannons on a rotating platform, and a deck gun on the top. Also includes a hatch :) The poly count is high so watch out. Also the turrets are defined so that the tank may be imported (good luck).
shodan.zip1k05-10-03SHODAN !!!
If you don't know who this character is, find out! Its shodan in all her 3D glory. Watch her on your TI and then see, hear and feel her by playing the best game of all time, System Shock. www.ttlg.com/forums Go to system shock general discussion for more info.

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