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Last updated Sunday, 19 December 2010
Total downloads 34,750
Most popular file  Whak-A-Mole with 7,371 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-89 Assembly Games (Arcade)
ccr.zip47k03-10-19File is not ratedCalc Calc Revolution v1.1
Calc Calc Revolution is a Dance Dance Revolution Clone. The arrows fall from the top of the screen and you must press the arrow that goes with the picture to clear it and start another one falling. If you press the wrong button, you get an error. Once you have reached 10 errors, the game will be over. If you let the arrow hit the bottom of the screen, the game is over. Sorry for the long wait, I thought I uploaded it before.
dancecrazy.zip6k05-04-20File is not ratedDance Crazy
This is the updated demo version of a dance game programmed in C. You have to press the right arrows at the right time, and you get points depending on how close you were. See how many combos you can get!
reactiontime.zip1k03-04-26File is not ratedReaction Time
This is just a little program that claculates your reaction time. It is not much, but if you neet to brush up on your eye-hand coordination this is your program.
reflex.zip8k06-05-30File is not ratedReflex
Reflex is one of the smallest, stupidest, yet most addicting games of its size. The game tests your reflexes, by printing "PRESS ANY KEY" across the screen, and measures how fast you react, and determines your score. Full source included.
synac.zip408k04-03-07File is not ratedSynapse Accelerator v1.0
Even though I find memory-based games boring, I find this game pretty good because it is based on speed / reflexes.
wakagoomba.zip5k02-03-06File is not ratedWak-A-Goomba
Wak-A-Goomba is a Wak-A-Mole type game where you try to whack Goombas.
wam.zip16k10-12-19File is not ratedWhac-A-Mole
This is a simple Whac-A-Mole game for the TI-89 / TI-89 Titanium. It is written in C and is my second calculator game.
whakamol.zip3k00-07-06File is not ratedWhak-A-Mole
This is a game written in C, where the object is to...Surprise! Whack moles! It is modeled after those games where you have the hammer and have to hit the moles as they pop out of their holes. The numerical keypad is used to whack the moles. C source code is included.

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