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Number of files 14
Last updated Tuesday, 18 March 2003
Total downloads 39,376
Most popular file  Bin, Hex, Dec, Oct Converter with 6,940 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-86 BASIC Math Programs
bascha.zip2k00-11-23File is not ratedBase Changer
Changes numbers between different bases between 1-36
baseconv2.zip1k99-11-18File is not ratedConvert Bases
Convert between bases (including fractions)
baseconv.zip1k97-10-01File is not ratedBase Converter
bdhoconv.zip1k99-02-02File is not ratedBin, Hex, Dec, Oct Converter
binary86.zip1k98-02-15File is not ratedBinary Converter 86 v2.0
Converts base 10 and 8 bit binary numbers
bincnvrt.zip1k02-05-12File is not ratedBinary Converter
Converts Binary numbers to Decimal format.
bintodec.zip1k02-05-27File is not ratedBinToDec
Converts a binary number to a decimal. Just enter the binary number. The limit is whatever decimal is equal to 1E999
degtrad.zip2k03-01-01File is not ratedDegrees -> Radians / Radians -> Degrees Converter
This program will easily, quickly and accurately convert any number of degrees to radians and any number of radians to degrees. It even gives answers in terms of Pi for maximum accuracy
dms2deg.zip1k03-01-01File is not ratedDegrees, Minutes and Seconds -> Degrees converter
This program will easily and accurately convert those nasty angle measures in degrees, minutes and seconds to a nice number of degrees.
hexadeci.zip1k02-08-04File is not ratedHexadecimal Generator
This program converts a hexadecimal input to RGB and vise versa.
rad2degr.zip1k99-02-02File is not ratedRadians to Degrees
Changes either radians to degrees or degrees to radians.
rad2deg.zip1k01-01-29File is not ratedRadian to Degree and Degree to Radian Converter
Converts Radian to Degree and Degree to Radian for Trig
rad_deg.zip1k03-03-18File is not ratedRadian <-> Degree
Program to convert radians to degrees and degrees to radians.
raddeg.zip1k99-11-06File is not ratedRadian-Degree Converter v1.0
A program that converts degrees to radians and radians to degrees. It will even give the answer as a fraction in terms of pi.

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