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Last updated Tuesday, 16 March 2004
Total downloads 31,528
Most popular file  Financial Calculator v1.0 with 5,795 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-86 BASIC Math Programs
compintr.zip1k98-03-26File is not ratedCalculating Interest
Calculate Interest
cpint.zip4k03-03-05File is not ratedCompound Interest
This program will show the steps needed for four different compound interest formulas. It can also quickly solve. Includes help section.
depr86.zip5k01-06-01File is not ratedDepreciation
Depreciation program for TI-86. Features four methods: Straight Line, Sum of the Years' Digits, Declining Balance, and MACRS. Very useful for accounting and finance classes as well as the professional world.
discount.zip14k04-03-16File is not ratedDiscount
It's a series of discount programs. Allthe way from 95 to 5. Although it counts in 5. The readme will tell you the rest.
expocomp.zip1k99-12-07File is not ratedExponential Equations and Compound Interest v1.0
Solves equations with values that increase/decrease exponentially and equations that involves compounding amounts of something.
finance.zip1k99-07-10File is not ratedFinancial Calculator v1.0
A Financial Calculator
financia.zip1k98-07-19File is not ratedFanancia
Financial help program
interest1.zip1k01-03-26File is not ratedInterest and Decay
You can find the total decay&interest
interest2.zip1k02-02-22File is not ratedInterest Calculator
Interest Calculator is a program that can calculate simple, compound and continuous interest, as well as the effective rate.
interest.zip1k99-04-01File is not ratedCompound Interest Solver
Solves compounding interest

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