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Last updated Wednesday, 18 May 2005
Total downloads 15,330
Most popular file  TI-86 Include Files with 8,231 downloads.

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antidisassemblagemacros.zip2k06-03-26File is not ratedAntiDisassemblage Macros
Some good macros I wrote for Antidisassemblage, nothing major, just some functions to utilize ROM calls, such as graphics routines and low level key reading, if you know some assembly, you will see how simple they all are Good luck :)
directin.zip1k02-04-05File is not rateddirectin.inc (83, 83+, 85, 86)
Equates for Direct Input.
get_key.zip1k02-04-05File is not ratedget_key.inc (83, 83+, 85, 86)
Equates for GET_KEY (_getcsc).
rbp2.zip32k05-05-18File is not ratedTI-86 Assembly Header
This has been slightly edited for size. No equates are defined multiple times anymore.
ti86asm.zip5k98-01-19File is not ratedTI-86 Include Files
ti86.zip28k04-08-24File is not ratedUltimate TI-86 Include File
This is a single include file designed for TI-86 assembly with TASM that contains all the ROM calls, flags, ports, calc states, scan codes, getkey codes, character equates and RAM locations floating around on the internet.
zac_includes.zip11k03-11-03File is not ratedComplete ZAC Include Files
Versions of the standard ACZ include files for the ZAC on-calc assembler.
zacinc.zip2k00-07-20File is not ratedThree ZAC Include Files

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