| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-86 Assembly Media |
 | bunny.zip | 2k | 02-04-09 | | Bunny Picture This is a picture of a bunny. I've included the complete source code with explanations for every line. |
 | bwlogobg.zip | 16k | 02-03-25 | | Starcraft: Brood War Logo Background This program will install the Starcraft: Brood War Logo as a background. |
 | digivolve.zip | 61k | 02-03-02 | | Digimon Digivolve: Koromon->Greymon just shows pics of the stages of koromon, up to greymon |
 | gray16_8.zip | 8k | 00-03-01 | | Grayscale 16/8 Level Demo Long live SuperGrayscale! |
 | greenday.zip | 7k | 99-05-21 | | 5 Green Day Pictures |
 | greybg.zip | 1k | 97-12-19 | | Grey Background 1.0 |
 | halobg.zip | 12k | 02-03-24 | | Halo: Combat Evolved Logo Background This program will install the Halo: Combat Evolved Logo as a background. |
 | haloss_collection10.zip | 100k | 02-03-07 | | Halo Screenshots Collection 10 This group of 6 programs displays on the TI-86 6 32-level grayscale screenshots (one screenshot per program) from the XBox game Halo: Combat Evolved. |
 | haloss_collection11.zip | 99k | 02-03-07 | | Halo Screenshots Collection 11 This group of 6 programs displays on the TI-86 6 32-level grayscale screenshots (one screenshot per program) from the XBox game Halo: Combat Evolved. |
 | haloss_collection1.zip | 101k | 02-03-07 | | Halo Screenshots Collection 1 This group of 6 programs displays on the TI-86 6 32-level grayscale screenshots (one screenshot per program) from the XBox game Halo: Combat Evolved. |
 | haloss_collection2.zip | 97k | 02-03-07 | | Halo Screenshots Collection 2 This group of 6 programs displays on the TI-86 6 32-level grayscale screenshots (one screenshot per program) from the XBox game Halo: Combat Evolved. |
 | haloss_collection3.zip | 104k | 02-03-07 | | Halo Screenshots Collection 3 This group of 6 programs displays on the TI-86 6 32-level grayscale screenshots (one screenshot per program) from the XBox game Halo: Combat Evolved. |
 | haloss_collection4.zip | 97k | 02-03-07 | | Halo Screenshots Collection 4 This group of 6 programs displays on the TI-86 6 32-level grayscale screenshots (one screenshot per program) from the XBox game Halo: Combat Evolved. |
 | haloss_collection5.zip | 94k | 02-03-07 | | Halo Screenshots Collection 5 This group of 6 programs displays on the TI-86 6 32-level grayscale screenshots (one screenshot per program) from the XBox game Halo: Combat Evolved. |
 | haloss_collection6.zip | 115k | 02-03-07 | | Halo Screenshots Collection 6 This group of 6 programs displays on the TI-86 6 32-level grayscale screenshots (one screenshot per program) from the XBox game Halo: Combat Evolved. |
 | haloss_collection7.zip | 120k | 02-03-07 | | Halo Screenshots Collection 7 This group of 6 programs displays on the TI-86 6 32-level grayscale screenshots (one screenshot per program) from the XBox game Halo: Combat Evolved. |
 | haloss_collection8.zip | 117k | 02-03-07 | | Halo Screenshots Collection 8 This group of 6 programs displays on the TI-86 6 32-level grayscale screenshots (one screenshot per program) from the XBox game Halo: Combat Evolved. |
 | haloss_collection9.zip | 119k | 02-03-07 | | Halo Screenshots Collection 9 This group of 6 programs displays on the TI-86 6 32-level grayscale screenshots (one screenshot per program) from the XBox game Halo: Combat Evolved. |
 | haloss.zip | 99k | 02-02-25 | | Halo Screenshots This group of 6 programs displays on the TI-86 6 32-level grayscale screenshots (one screenshot per program) from the XBox game Halo: Combat Evolved. |
 | hotcars.zip | 9k | 01-02-22 | | Hot Cars Pics These are pics of the McLaren F1 and the Ferrari F50. enjoy. |
 | house.zip | 9k | 00-10-24 | | 32-Level Grayscale Picture This is the first 32-level grayscale picture (well, 2nd since it has been updated once now). It's a demo to a program I will release later for you to create your own. |
 | intgs.zip | 1k | 98-01-10 | | Anarchy Sign Grayscale Background |
 | lordoftherings.zip | 47k | 03-03-09 | | LordoftheRings A fairly large collection of grayscale 32 asm pictures of lord of the rings. I plan to later intgrate them into a game. |
 | megadeth.zip | 42k | 98-05-02 | | [8 grays] 20 Ultimate Megadeth Megapics |
 | metallica.zip | 14k | 98-06-18 | | [8 grays] 7 Metallica Grayscale Pictures |
 | nfsscreenshots_86.zip | 102k | 03-03-06 | | Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 Screenshots - 6 [8 level grays These are 6 action screenshots from the newest incarnation of the PC game, Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2. This includes 6 .86p files to be sent to your calculator, and pictures of these screenshots in GIF format. There is also a readme file. Enjoy! |
 | oni.zip | 166k | 01-03-11 | | Oni Screen shots These are pics from the game oni. Read the readme for more information. |
 | ozzy.zip | 13k | 98-06-18 | | [8 grays] 6 Ozzy Osbourne Grayscale Pictures |
 | pics1.zip | 17k | 97-12-03 | | [8 grays] 9 Grayscale Pictures |
 | pics2.zip | 20k | 97-12-03 | | [8 grays] 10 Grayscale Pictures |
 | pics3.zip | 15k | 97-12-03 | | [8 grays] 8 Grayscale Pictures |
 | pics4.zip | 12k | 97-12-03 | | [8 grays] 6 Grayscale Pictures |
 | processor.zip | 3k | 01-02-21 | | Pentium + AMD logo These r pics of the Pentium 4 and AMD logo. There will be more pics by me in the near future so look for them. i am not responsible for anything these prgms do to your calc, but there are no bugs. I made these with istudio by the ACZ. No readme, but there is no need for them |
 | sclogobg.zip | 13k | 02-03-25 | | Starcraft Logo Background This program will install the Starcraft Logo as a background. |
 | sieve.zip | 1k | 05-05-17 | | Sieve of Eratosthenes [24 bytes] A graphical look at primes...read the source |
 | survivor2pics.zip | 135k | 01-05-03 | | Survivor2pics This is a collection of one 32 bit picture of every Survivor2 contestant. |
 | ti86s.zip | 46k | 00-10-24 | | TI-86's [6, 32-level grayscale pictures] some of the 1st 32-level (5-bit) grayscale pictures for the ti-86. Although not the coolest you've ever seen, these are 6 logo like images I drew up displaying "TI-86". |
 | ticalcbg.zip | 11k | 02-03-28 | | ticalc.org Logo Background This program will install the ticalc.org Logo as a background. |
 | winpics.zip | 4k | 99-12-25 | | WinPics Windows 98 Start Menu Graphics. |
 | worldcup.zip | 6k | 98-04-25 | | [8 grays] 4 French World Cup Soccer Grayscale Pictures |