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Last updated Thursday, 26 August 2004
Total downloads 41,388
Most popular file  Ratakokoelma (Megacar) with 2,313 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-86 Assembly Game Levels
basicshapelevelset.zip1k04-06-17File is not ratedMegacar Level set 4
This is a highly detailed set of levels for the TI-86 Version of megacar. This will probably be the last of my Level sets for Megacar.
brain.zip16k02-02-16File is not ratedBrainless Tracks for Megacar
Here is some tracks that I made in darkest hours of night. Check them out!
btl.zip9k02-09-06File is not ratedBus & Tram Line Tracks for MegaCar
Here is 7 tracks for MegaCar made from bus & tram lines in Helsinki
crazy86.zip5k04-06-11File is not ratedcrazy track
This track is absolutly crazy! You don't need a calculator to figure out that sharp twists and turns plus a very narrow track equals one frickin' hard race! I have figured out how to do screenshots so all the next tracks I nake will have them.
dust1.zip6k03-07-04File is not ratedDust1 Megacar Track
This is a track for the game Megacar. The edges of the track are very smooth. Look at the screen shot to see the full track layout.
f1bt.zip10k02-09-06File is not ratedF1 Boat Tracks for MegaCar
Here is 9 tracks made from F1 Boat World Championship tracks which were used in years 2001 and 2002
grand.zip1k04-06-07File is not ratedGRAND megacar track
A very hard track! It has many intricate turns and makes for a great challenge! Worth the download!
levels.zip110k03-12-28File is not ratedDavyLevels
Hello my dear friends. I made some GREAT levels for MegaCar. They are converted from the formula 1 circuits. Have Fun!!!
megacar1.zip4k01-01-22File is not ratedEazy To Xpert- SmartGamer's MegaCar Pack 1
This is a set of 4 MegaCar levels; some have nasty traps, and one is more of a maze then a racetrack!
megacarlevelpack1.zip1k04-06-11File is not ratedMegacar Level Pack 1
this is the first of my levels for megacar 86. it includes 2 levels,a figure 8 level and a cats eye type level.
megacarlevelpack2.zip1k04-06-11File is not ratedMegacar Levels Pack 2
this is my second set of levels for the ti 86 megacar. it includes 3 new levels, an offroad level,a blackwidow hourglass signallike thing level and a rounded off square level.
megacarlevels3.zip1k04-06-11File is not ratedMegacar Level set 3
Interesting levels that I thought were good.
morace1.zip33k02-02-10File is not ratedThe Last Corner
A single track race with many corners, but not to sharp enough that you have to let up off the throttle.
morace2.zip33k02-02-10File is not ratedDouble Circle 8
A double figure 8 track that is easy to run, but confusing to remember where to go next.
morace3.zip66k02-10-25File is not ratedDouble Threat
Another level for Megacar. This time all you have to do is get in-between the posts, the rest of the level is rather simple. You shouldn't have to let up off the gas. 5 laps. View the screen shot to see what the level looks like.
morace4.zip72k02-10-14File is not ratedTriple Threat
Another level for Megacar. This time all you have to do is last one lap, navigating your way through some narrow pathways. View the screen shot to see what the level looks like.
nes86series.zip1k04-06-17File is not ratedNes Megacar Levels
This is my first themed level set for the TI-83 plus and 86 megacar.These levels are high in detail and high in enjoyment. So if you want an enjoying level set, then this is the one for you.If not, the princess is in another castle, so to speak.
obstacle.zip5k03-08-07File is not ratedObstacle Course with Crossing
A basic track with a crossing and obstacles such as rocks, signs, and gates. Look at the screenshot for the full track layout.
offrd.zip1k04-06-04File is not ratedOff Road Track
My second track, it is challenging and looks like an offroad track. Has an alternate path, too.
omegatk.zip1k04-06-04File is not ratedomega track
A simple track in the shape of an omega symbol.
radat.zip43k01-06-15File is not ratedRatakokoelma (Megacar)
50 tracks for Megacar. No tricks, just drive. Includes oval-tracks, 1-round-tracks and more. MUST CHECK!
rally.zip9k02-09-06File is not ratedRally tracks for MegaCar
Here is 4 special stages from Safari Rally and 6 from Neste Rally Finland
real2.zip10k01-06-27File is not ratedMore tracks from ral world (Megacar)
10 tracks more for Megacar from real world. This collection includes tracks like Le Mans, Michigan, Nürburgring and Portland.
real3.zip11k01-07-03File is not ratedEven more tracks from real world (Megacar)
This collection includes 10 tracks from real world. There is tracks like Elkhart Lake, Indianapolis (F1-version), Melbourne and Alastaro
real4.zip12k01-12-16File is not ratedMore & more tracks from real world
10 tracks more from real world, now there is tracks like Brno, Mugello, Long Beach and 2 routes from Safari Rally.
real5.zip12k02-09-06File is not ratedLittle more tracks from real world for MegaCar
Here is 9 tracks from real world. This collection includes tracks like Monaco, A1-Ring and Kemora
real.zip13k01-06-15File is not ratedTracks from real world (Megacar)
14 tracks for Megacar from real world. Includes tracks like Monza, Hockenheim, Spa and Nazareth.
smkartset186.zip4k04-08-03File is not ratedSuper Mario Kart Set 1
This set of five Megacar levels remakes the tracks of the Mushroom Cup from the NES game Super Mario Kart. Starting line, shortcuts, and turns are all remade exactly from the game. This set is the first in a series of 4.
smkartset286.zip5k04-08-03File is not ratedSuper Mario Kart Set 2
This set is the second in the series, remaking the five Flower Cup Tracks of the classic NES game Super Mario Kart.
smkartset386.zip5k04-08-23File is not ratedSuper Mario Kart Set 3
This is set number 3 in the series, remaking the Star Cup of Super Mario Kart, including Koopa Beach 1, Choch Island 1, Vanilla Lake 1, Bowser Castle 3, and Mario Circuit 4.
smkartset486.zip5k04-08-26File is not ratedSuper Mario Kart Set 4
The fourth and final set in the series, a duplicate of the Special Cup, including Donut Plains 3, Koopa Beach 2, Ghost Valley 3, Vanilla Lake 2, and the infamous Rainbow Road!
spiral.zip1k01-01-06File is not ratedSpiral Level for Megacar86
A tough level where you travel in a spiral and then return to the center
superior.zip59k04-06-17File is not ratedSuperior Tracks
This pack of tracks includes 20 TRACKS! They range from simple ovals to complicated twisty turny mayhem and everything in between! A must download!!! Again, This pack contains 20 tracks that will entertain you for hours!

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