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Last updated Friday, 17 July 2020
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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition/CE BASIC Files
arithmeticpractice.zip12k20-07-17File is not ratedArithmetic Practice
Test and improve your arithmetic skills! Get your TI-84PCSE or TI-84PCE to test you on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and score your performance at the end! You can set the number of questions that you want to try out for every session, and specify the range for the operands that show up on each question. Send this program to your friends and see who can do all questions correctly!
bodyevidence_84pcse.zip462k15-01-26File is not ratedBody of Evidence Activity for TI-84 Plus C SE
A decomposing body is found in a field, and your students need to play the role of a forensic anthropologist identifying the victim. Students will learn about forensic techniques, the stages of decomposition, and the STEM jobs involved in identifying bodies as they help solve this case. This is a direct translation of TI's STEM Behind Hollywood activity, "Body of Evidence", for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition. Made for Doors CSE 8.1 or higher, it provides the same fun, real-world lessons about forensic science.
earthimpact84pcse.zip363k14-11-03File is not ratedEarth Impact! Activity for TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition
Students will learn about gravitational force while they work to keep an asteroid from striking the Earth. This port of the Earth Impact! activity brings the excitement and education of TI's STEM Behind Hollywood program to the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition. Made for Doors CSE 8.1 or higher, it provides the same engrossing lessons about Newton's law of universal gravitation, density, force, and other STEM topic that the TI-Nspire activity provides.
flagsdb.zip30k14-07-03File is not ratedFlags Database V0.6
Flags Database, simply put, is a database of flags and their identifiers. You select a country and it will display the flag that belongs to it. There is also a quiz function, so you can test your flag knowledge. Future updates will bring state flags for the US, and historical flags. Updated due to typo, and ability to search country names by pressing the letter key to move through the list more quickly.
mathdad.zip1k19-06-13File is not ratedMATHDAD
MATHDAD is a ti 84 program that lets you use useful formula solvers for school, homework, and more.For any requests, concerns, or questions, please contact the developer at theperfectkirby3@gmail.com
presdb.zip136k13-08-05File is not ratedPresident Database
This program is intended to assist history students by providing pictures and information on each president. As it stands right now, it's mainly set up to just display the picture of the president, and allow you to play a flash card game. Information about presidents will be added at later dates.
sciencefriction_84pcse.zip270k15-03-03File is not ratedScience Friction Activity for TI-84 Plus C SE
Students will learn about static and kinetic friction and Newton's second and third laws of motion in this superhero-centric activity. After students get a background in how mass, normal force, and the coefficient of friction are related, they play the role of the henchperson to a villainous civil engineer trying to sabotage a new bridge. They must spray a concrete roadway with oil, water, or ice to stop the hero from saving the bridge, using their knowledge of friction to figure out the best substance to use. This port of the Science Friction activity brings the excitement and education of TI's STEM Behind Hollywood program to the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition. Made for Doors CSE 8.1 or higher, it provides the same fun lessons about friction and forces in the context of student-friendly superheroes and villains.
tcoins.zip1k19-04-04File is not ratedTotal-Coins
Coin problems When given: 2 types of coins, Total number of coins, Total amount of money. ex: 40 Nickels & Dimes with a value of $3.50
turtle.zip81k15-03-26File is not ratedTurtle Graphics
An interpreter for a turtle graphics programming language. Requires DCSE8.
zombiept1_84pcse.zip319k14-11-03File is not ratedZombie Apocalypse Part 1 Activity for TI-84 Plus C SE
Students will learn about virulence, the spread of disease, and the structure and function of the brain while investigating a zombie apocalypse. This port of the Zombie Apocalypse Part 1 activity brings the excitement and education of TI's STEM Behind Hollywood program to the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition. Made for Doors CSE 8.1 or higher, it provides the same engrossing lessons about epidemiology and human anatomy that the TI-Nspire activity provides.
zombiept2_84pcse.zip260k15-01-22File is not ratedZombie Apocalypse Part 2 Activity for TI-84 Plus C SE
Students will learn about titration, strong acids and bases, virology, and prions while finding a way to save humanity from a zombie apocalypse. This port of the Zombie Apocalypse Part 2 activity brings the excitement and education of TI's STEM Behind Hollywood program to the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition. Made for Doors CSE 8.1 or higher, it provides the same engrossing lessons about chemistry and titration that the TI-Nspire activity offers.

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