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Last updated Monday, 20 August 2018
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Most popular file  Robotics - Pose Matrices with 1,664 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Science Programs
motion_density.zip2k18-08-20File is not ratedMOTION
Calculate and graphically display the trajectory of an object according to a precise set of criteria and parameters. The application itself provides help.
obshock.zip1k17-05-03File is not ratedOblique Shock Property Calculator
This program calculates flow properties across oblique shock waves in supersonic airflow. Input a Mach number and turning angle and the program will display two pages of ratios. This program is useful to avoid having to look up these properties in tables, which is the most common method of finding solutions to these problems.
roboticsti83.zip1k06-06-01File is not ratedRobotics - Pose Matrices
Two programs, one for RPY angles, and one for ZYZ Euler angles. Enter alpha, beta, and gamma angles in degrees. Program will solve rotation matrix and display it. Then it will ask for xyz coordinates, and then ask you to choose a letter "A" through "F" to assign to the resulting pose matrix which will save you a lot of time and makes it easy to multiply the resulting matrices.
simplexmethodmax..zip23k11-08-31File is not ratedLinear Programming - Simplex Method - Maximization
[Text only] Hello everyone, The following contains the SIMPLEX METHOD WITHOUT SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS: Using material from Frederick S. Hiller, Gerald J. Lieberman. Introduction to Operations Research. New York: McGraw Hill, 2005. Print. Please let us know, if you would like us to include modifications, improvements, and any additions to the code. Please share your feedback by contact us at inquiry@haulwind.com
simplexminmax.zip26k11-08-31File is not ratedLinear Programming - Max, Min, and Excess Analysis
[Text only] Hello everyone, The following contains the SIMPLEX METHOD WITHOUT SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS: Using material from Frederick S. Hiller, Gerald J. Lieberman. Introduction to Operations Research. New York: McGraw Hill, 2005. Print. Please let us know, if you would like us to include modifications, improvements, and any additions to the code. Please share your feedback by contact us at inquiry@haulwind.com
wades.zip1k13-05-30File is not ratedWade's Style Extruder Steps/mm Calculator
This a 3D Printer calculator made for calculating your theoretical extruder steps/mm for a Wade's style extruder.

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