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Last updated Friday, 14 June 2013
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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Source
source_ab5.zip165k13-06-14File is not ratedAlien Breed 5 v1.1.1 (source code)
Source code for Alien Breed 5 v1.1.1
source_centipde.zip51k13-04-13File is not ratedCentipede v1.2.1 (source code)
Source code for Centipede v1.2.1.
source_ab5teaser2.zip4k12-09-05File is not ratedAlien Breed 5 (teaser 2 source)
Source code for Alien Breed 5 teaser 2 program.
source_ab4.zip74k12-09-05File is not ratedAlien Breed IV: Final Assault v1.1.0 (source code)
Source code for Alien Breed IV v1.1.0.
source_ab5teaser.zip4k12-06-17File is not ratedAlien Breed 5 (teaser)
Source code for Alien Breed 5 teaser program.
centipde_src.zip73k09-06-12File is not ratedCentipede v1.11
Source code to Centipede v1.11.
acidbase.zip8k05-04-05File is not ratedWeak Acid/Base Solver v2.1
Using this program you can quickly find the pH of any weak acid or base and is in general a very useful tool for acid/base equilibrium problems. Regarding specifically the source of this file, there is some simple math in this code as well as some basic display. It's pretty simple, so if you are a beginner and want to learn off it, it would in my opinion be a good way to start! Good luck!
trigmtry.zip22k04-09-21File is not ratedThe Trig Machine v3.6
THE ULTIMATE TRIANGLE SOLVER! Simply stated this program will solve for any angle or side of a triangle that you don't know. Input any variation of 3 different angels or sides and the program will automatically find and solve the resulting unknowns. The program also displays an option of viewing the area of each triangle. There are two different ways to view the results, including a graphical display and a list option. In addition the program also checks and makes sure that the triangle is in fact a real triangle. An error is displayed if it is not. This is a direct ASM port from the BASIC version, has many more features, and of course runs faster. Added in this upgrade from the original is a list view along with the GUI view.
lucifer.zip2k03-09-08File is not ratedLucifer Source
In this game you have to try to win(duh!). There are 15 lucifers on a table and you and the calculator must take away lucifers until there are no more. You can win by let take the calculator the last lucifer. You (and the calculator) may take away 1,2 or 3 lucifers(you must play your turn).
password.zip1k03-04-08File is not ratedPassword protect your programs update!
This is the same as program as before but after I had uploaded the other one I realized that there was no way to exit if your didn't know the password so I added an exit interrupt routine. Sorry if you've already downloaded the other one. again, read all comments before proceeding to compile it in your program. Just cut and paste into your program at the beginning.
aifigsources.zip20k02-06-02File is not ratedAifig source
mario.z8049k01-02-04File is not ratedMario Demo 83+
Mario type game made from mega man source - Incomplete, Please feel free to finish this game
megaman.z8093k01-01-14File is not ratedMegaMan 83 Source
The source to the TI-83+ MegaMan port
mirdescsource.zip4k00-07-27File is not ratedProgram Descriptions Interface v1.0 Source
This is the source file to the Program Descriptions External GUI File for MirageOS. It is being released to help other people learn how to develop GUI files for this new FlashApp shell.
mirbutnsource.zip4k00-07-27File is not ratedGraphical Buttons Interface v1.0 Source
This is the source file to the Graphical Buttons External GUI File for MirageOS. It is being released to help other people learn how to develop GUI files for this new FlashApp shell.
mnamesrc.zip4k00-07-27File is not ratedProgram Names Interface v1.0 Source
This is the source file to the Program Names External GUI File for MirageOS. It is being released to help other people learn how to develop GUI files for this new FlashApp shell.
jviruss.zip2k00-07-27File is not ratedJimmy Virus
It's the classic virus originally created by Jimmy Conner!
lunar1.zip16k00-07-27File is not ratedLunar Lander I
Land on the moon!
lunar2.zip19k00-07-27File is not ratedLunar Lander II
Land on the moon! With 3 difficulty setting and random terrain.

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