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Most popular file  TabFunctions SE for DCS6 with 1,696 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Shell Modules
pwdse83p.zip2k10-04-30File is not rated[Doors CS 6.1+] Password Protection v2.0
This program, for Doors CS v6.1 and higher, will install a Shell Expansion (SE) that protects your programs from unauthorized users. Once installed, takes up a mere 100 bytes of memory, and prevents Doors CS from being launched if the user does not know a password you set during installation.
tabfunctionsse.zip1k07-06-23File is not ratedTabFunctions SE for DCS6
TabFunctions, or TabFunc for short, is the first truly useful SE to be created with the brand-new Shell Expansion system I finished yesterday. Simply pressing [XTOn] and [STAT] acts as the equivalent of [TAB] and [SHIFT][TAB] on a computer keyboard. The regular arrows, clicking, and keyboard shortcuts remain fully functional, so the TabFunc simply layers an extra bit of useability on top of the interface for those who don't feel like navigating manually with the mouse. Screenshot and source code below for those interested in learning about making SEs. This version moves the key definitions from [F1] and [F2] to [XTOn] and [STAT] to account for Doors CS 6.1's new hotkeys.

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