| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Media |
 | squished.zip | 1k | 24-05-31 | | Squish This is a font I made in my free time, which (mostly) is 7x4 instead of 7x5 and makes the text more readable. |
 | bold.zip | 1k | 24-05-31 | | Bold This is just a simple bold font for zStart that I think looks pretty good... |
 | tengwarfont.zip | 4k | 14-01-06 | | Tengwar (elvish) font This is an omnicalc elvish font, from the Tolkien tengwar alphabet. This is very approximative, because the tengwar alphabet is a phonetical alphabet. That's why the letter by letter translation is not correct, but it can give you the illusion you have an elvish calculator from the middle earth. |
 | infernal_calculator.zip | 1k | 10-02-05 | | Infernal Calculator A very confusing and random font for Omnicalc. Great for pranks! |
 | metroid.zip | 3k | 09-10-19 | | Metroid Prime: Hunters This is the font used in the game, "Metroid Prime: Hunters" for the Nintendo DS. |
 | mariobro.zip | 3k | 09-10-19 | | Donkey Kong This is the font used in the game, "Donkey Kong" for the original Nintendo GameBoy. |
 | gameboy.zip | 3k | 09-10-19 | | Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening FONT This is the very font used in the game, "Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening" for the original Nintendo GameBoy. |
 | pacman.zip | 3k | 09-10-19 | | Pac-Man This is a font often seen in the many, various Pac-Man games in the franchise. |
 | omnicalcfonts.zip | 24k | 09-09-25 | | OmniCalc fonts 5 OR 6 NEW FONTS, plus all the old ones. |
 | prankfont.zip | 1k | 09-05-22 | | prank font a prank font. How to use: store something for H, then activate the font. press alpha instead of 2nd, however, it will look like it is 2nd. the press h, and pi will show up. press enter. |
 | smile.zip | 1k | 09-02-27 | | Smile font This font is similar to my Blind font in that when it's active, you can't read the calc screen properly. When you type in letters and numbers a smiley face will appear in place of whatever you pushed. Omnicalc is needed to run this program. Always remember how to get back to Omnicalc in order to turn off this font if needed. |
 | blind.zip | 1k | 09-02-27 | | Blind Font This is a font for the TI-83,83+,83+SE,and 84+SE calculators. In order for the font to work Omnicalc must be installed on your calculator. This is not a good font, it is a joke font to put on someone else's calc so all the letters and numbers appear blank. Just be sure to remember how to get to Omnicalc so you can turn off the font if needed. |
 | fontset.zip | 1k | 08-12-23 | | My fonts Three of my fonts. ZLDAFONT is designed to enhance homescreen RPGs. |
 | krystoid.zip | 3k | 08-11-30 | | Krystoid This font is based on the windows font. It's a pretty good replica, and is (for the most part... lowercase G's) pretty legible. |
 | fivebyfive.zip | 2k | 08-11-30 | | Five by Five A pretty basic Omnicalc font that is five pixels by five pixels. It is pretty legible, though... |
 | broadway.zip | 3k | 08-11-30 | | Broadway This font is based on the font on the computer. Also, its my first font. It works with OMNICALC, so you need that. It is pretty legible. Includes letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and symbols. Enjoy!!! |
 | craze.zip | 1k | 08-09-16 | | Weird font set almost every character has been modifed. it is stil legible but kinda hard to get used to. |
 | gothic.zip | 4k | 08-06-12 | | Gothic Font A Font That me and my brother made for the TI-83/84+ this is our first font that we made and the .8xfont file is included so you may edit it if you wish but don't plagiarize our font. |
 | round2.zip | 11k | 07-12-17 | | Round2 This is a font for Omnicalc. It is a slightly modified version of Drubu's Font (dround02 or round02). I gave it a few tweaks, made some things more consistent, and improved on the clarity of the 2. I could not give it very much of a "round" taste though. NOTICE: If the display seems to fail after applying this font, reboot your calculator. |
 | dumbfonts.zip | 2k | 07-07-01 | | 2 dumb fonts Nothing amazing, just 2 more fonts to choose from. One is BOLD, the other uses a new alphabet that I made up a long time ago that you can learn |
 | steinz_fonts.zip | 1k | 07-06-09 | | Steinz Fonts Here's two fonts I made for fun. Ones quite nice, and the other quite useless! |
 | bubble2.zip | 5k | 07-06-09 | | Bubble Letters This file contains a bubble letter font to be used with OmniCalc. It is extremely easy to read, and it's something fresh for your eyes each time you turn your calculator on. Check out the included pictures!!! |
 | retro.zip | 2k | 06-07-20 | | Retro What more can I say? It is a cool retro font. |
 | dial911.zip | 1k | 06-05-30 | | Dial 911 For use with Omnicalc! Flat, wide, and small caps with electronic style. Take a look at the screenshot. |
 | bolderd.zip | 7k | 06-05-14 | | YUKI's Bolder Style Font This is a font file for Omnicalc. These letters are bolder than default font and some lowercase letters have descenders (includes diacritical marks). Numbers were design based on "Georgia" font. |
 | hrlines.zip | 6k | 06-04-22 | | YUKI's Horizontal Lines Font This is a font file for Omnicalc. These letters are made by horizontal lines. I was inspired by logo of IBM. |
 | tvtnr.zip | 1k | 06-03-18 | | Times New Roman font A times new roman font. |
 | tvrobot.zip | 1k | 06-03-18 | | Robot font Looks like if it was a computer's screen in a SF film. |
 | tvsmall.zip | 1k | 06-03-18 | | Small font Most characters are one pixel smaller than normal. I've also changed a few characters (+-x/). |
 | cross.zip | 246k | 06-03-18 | | Cross This is a font for the Fundamentalist Christian calculator owner of your family. All of the letters, uppercase and lowercase, have a cross somewhere in them. |
 | omnicalcfont01.zip | 1k | 06-03-14 | | Font 01 Just an Omnicalc Font... |
 | medievalfont.zip | 1k | 06-03-11 | | An Old Medieval Font This font for Omnicalc reminded me of the "Chopped-Off" letters of the Medieval times. |
 | morsefnt.zip | 1k | 05-12-17 | | Morse Code Font Morse Code Font is a TI calculator font in which all of the original letters, the question mark character, period, comma, and all numbers are represented as written morse code characters. It's very cool looking and can help you to learn morse code. Enjoy! |
 | freefont.zip | 1k | 05-12-17 | | Free Font Free Font is a TI calculator font with changes to make the characters look a little more like neat free hand writing. It includes some new characters including a cactus, mushroom cloud, and others. Enjoy! |
 | cyrillic.zip | 1k | 05-12-17 | | Cyrillic Font Cyrillic Font is a TI calculator font that uses Russian letters in the place of the original calc letters. Enjoy! |
 | sidewaysf.zip | 1k | 05-11-20 | | P_sideways This is a font for OmniCalc. It rotates the capitol letters 90 degrees counter-clockwise. This is for use with my SIDEKEY program. |
 | sgfonts.zip | 12k | 05-11-05 | | Stargate Font Pack These are two fonts found in the TV show Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis. The two fonts are Asgard and Ancient. If you find an mistake, please Email me at mygoanna77@yahoo.com. |
 | cool.zip | 1k | 05-10-19 | | Cool Font! NOTE!!!...THIS IS A MIXUP FONT!! IT WILL MIXUP THE CHARACTERS ON A CALCULATOR!!!2ND NOTE!!!...This is NOT permanent. Just go to Omnicalc (if you can find it) and turn it off. This font is good for a prank. You must have Omnicalc for this font. This was made using the Omnicalc Font Editor for 83+. |
 | alien.zip | 17k | 05-09-26 | | Alien This is a cool font, I guess. Its pretty hard to read, but you should get used to it. It isnt that hard to read, just fairly. |
 | notes.zip | 18k | 05-09-26 | | Musical Notes This is a totally impossible to read font, but it's pretty cool. Almost every symbol on the calc has a corresponding note. I hope you like this! |
 | david.zip | 1k | 05-09-17 | | David Font I was bored one day and decided to make a font. Named david, after me. |
 | ancient.zip | 1k | 05-09-10 | | Ancient The 'Ancient' Font from Stargate Atlantis and Stargate: SG-1 |
 | corners.zip | 2k | 05-08-30 | | Corners This is just a modified version of the stock font that comes on the ti-83/84 Plus calcs. I find it easier on the eyes, I hope you like it,too! |
 | capsiii.zip | 1k | 05-08-06 | | CAPS:: an OmniCalc Font This is a pretty cool font; it seems relatively futuristic. Features an all-caps keyboard, with box-themed letters, and smaller versions of the capitals as lowercase. |
 | boldline.zip | 8k | 05-06-05 | | YUKI's Bolder and Underline Font This is a font file for Omnicalc. These letters are bolder than default and have a dotted underline. |
 | ti84.zip | 1k | 05-06-01 | | TI-84 Plus Straight Font This font looks a little bit like the Techno font for Omnicalc. It Is Very cool looking, Check it out |
 | rammsteinfontforomnicalc.zip | 10k | 05-04-12 | | RAMMSTEIN Font A Version of the Rammstein Font for your Calculator (Reise, Reise style) |
 | miniquakefont.zip | 1k | 05-03-10 | | Mini-Earthquake Font This font for Omnicalc shifts all pixels in each character up one row, and moves the (formerly) top row to the bottom. A bit difficult to read, but also a good anti-teacher mechanism. Made with Omnicalc Font Editor 83+. |
 | inversefont.zip | 1k | 05-03-10 | | Inverse Text Font An inversed text font. Nearly impossible to read, but useful for a prank. |
 | daedric.zip | 2k | 05-03-09 | | Daedric Font This is a Daedric font for all of you Morrowind/Elder Scrolls addicts out there. It's extremely close to the real thing in the game. Easy to read if (if you know Daedric). |
 | techno.zip | 3k | 05-03-07 | | Techno Font This is a cool font that I made for TI-83+/84(+)'s that have Omnicalc. You can actually read this quite well, unlike many fonts out there. |
 | whitesf.zip | 8k | 05-03-02 | | YUKI's White Style Font This is a font file for Omnicalc. These white letters are framed by black line. |
 | elvish.zip | 1k | 04-12-24 | | Elvish Lord of the Rings Elvish Tengwar Quenya, straight from the book. E-mail for ?'s at chumbert@comcast.net |
 | samfont.zip | 1k | 04-12-12 | | Vuton Titanium Font This font is just a bold font, with a really cool twist; form Vuton Titanium. |
 | chinese.zip | 3k | 04-10-23 | | Chinese Characters This is the font for omnicalc 1.23 The font can display chinese phonic characters |
 | phoneci.zip | 1k | 04-10-12 | | Phonecian Alphabet Converts your TI-83 font to the Phonecian alphabet. Use it to send coded messages, to translate english to phonecian, or just plain fun!. Made by: SeidelSoft |
 | sboldfont.zip | 3k | 04-09-13 | | SBold Font Makes letters and numbers smaller and bold--but still readable and wont get on your nerves. |
 | aurabesh.zip | 2k | 04-09-12 | | Aurabesh This is a star wars font it also comes with two pictures for RIGview v2.4 search for that on ticalc.com to get it you can not see the pictures un less you have RIGview enjoy |
 | ransom.zip | 1k | 04-09-11 | | Ransom I created this font for my calculator to make it a little bit harder to read. It uses various symbols to represent the different letters. There are also some minor changes to other symbols, such as pi. |
 | bubble.zip | 4k | 04-09-06 | | Bubble font This font makes all of you letters look like bubble letters. this font changes all of the uppercase and lowercase letters. all of the numbers. most of the symbols. and most of the asm only letters. this font is just amazing look a the pic! |
 | invert.zip | 1k | 04-09-06 | | Inverse in this font, everything that is white has been changed to black, and all black changed to white. any questions, or ideas for new fonts email me: kweilnau@rochester.rr.com |
 | runes.zip | 1k | 04-09-04 | | Runes A font using Runes from The Hobbit and LOTR |
 | bankgothicfont.zip | 2k | 04-08-28 | | Bank Gothic This font resembles one of my favorite fonts on the computer, Bank Gothic. The zip file also contains another font which is similar and looks really cool. Enjoy! |
 | descent.zip | 3k | 04-08-20 | | Descent by Alan Lynn No this is not the computer game Descent; It is a font that has a one pixel descent (the height of the letter tails is one pixel). It is possibly the most legible font because of the alignment of the characters and symbols. |
 | boxfont.zip | 3k | 04-08-20 | | BoxFont by Alan Lynn BoxFont is an outlined, boxy font for those who like to be different. |
 | boldfont.zip | 3k | 04-08-19 | | BoldFont by Alan Lynn BoldFont is a darker font designed for legibility. It is similar to the default notepad font. |
 | square55.zip | 7k | 04-07-24 | | YUKI's 5x5-Dots Square Font This is a font file for Omnicalc. This font's letters were made by 5x5 dots that looks like a square. |
 | skinny_font.zip | 1k | 04-05-10 | | Skinny Font This font looks very skinny. Everything is skinny, including the cursor, ALPHA indicator, INS indicator, etc. |
 | heiroglyphic_font.zip | 2k | 04-05-10 | | Heiroglyphic_Font This font shows you the letters as Egyptian heiroglyphs. |
 | clockf.zip | 1k | 04-05-10 | | Clock Font This font will display numbers and let- ters in a font that looks like it is from a digital clock. The numbers especially look good, how- ever, there are some letters, such as 'I', that won't look so clock-like, becuase of the line in the middle. |
 | segments.zip | 7k | 04-05-08 | | YUKI's 7-Segment LED Font This is a font file for Omnicalc. This font is remake version of "YUKI's Digital Lines Font". The alphabet and the number can be displayed on seven segment LED. |
 | futurab.zip | 8k | 04-05-08 | | YUKI's Futura Black Style Font This is a font file for Omnicalc. These letters were designed based on "Futura Black". |
 | twisted.zip | 1k | 04-05-08 | | Andrew's Twisted Font This is my second font for omnicalc. It consists of letters that are all bent around. They look like they've been well... "Twisted"! |
 | puffy.zip | 1k | 04-05-05 | | Andrews Puffy Font This is a fat bold font for Omnicalc. Please check the picture! It's really cool! |
 | digital.zip | 8k | 04-05-05 | | YUKI's Digital Lines Font This is a font file for Omnicalc. It looks like the "Digital Clock". Update:Umlaut characters were modified. |
 | chrisfnt.zip | 1k | 04-04-15 | | My Handwriting 1.0 If you want to download my chicken scratch handwriting, go right ahead. (actually it's not that bad--take a look at the screenshots!) |
 | inversetext.zip | 3k | 04-03-17 | | Inverse text I just now desided to make it with ai, so now it is finished. I decided to make it usingthe number pad like the origional one. It's now only one prgm unlike the other versions that were 3. [mode] quits and [clear] restarts. |
 | badp.zip | 1k | 04-03-17 | | Bad Font This font makes your calculator appear to be messed up it reverses the alphabet ex. A is now Z, B is now Y so on and son even the #'s are weird and when you press + it shows - and = is not equal < is > and > is <... Well you get the point thanks for downloading (or at least checking it out) |
 | itlcthin.zip | 7k | 04-02-16 | | YUKI's Italic Thin Font This is my 20th omnicalc font file! I wanted to make normal italic font but it became very thin font. Please look a screenshot! |
 | jpnkata.zip | 12k | 04-02-09 | | YUKI's Japanese Katakana Font This is a font file for Omnicalc. Umlaut characters and some characters were replaced to Japanese Katakana. And Japanese input program for this font was attached. Please look a screenshot! |
 | jpnhira.zip | 12k | 04-02-09 | | YUKI's Japanese Hiragana Font This is a font file for Omnicalc. Umlaut characters and some characters were replaced to Japanese Hiragana. And Japanese input program for this font was attached. Please look a screenshot! |
 | ocfont1.zip | 1k | 04-02-06 | | Numbers and Lowercased This is my first font file. It mainly focuses on lowercase and numbers, but I did edit other characters. Make sure you have Omnicalc APP installed! |
 | arabic.zip | 1k | 04-02-06 | | Arabic Numerals This file will work with the Omnicalc applications. The file will just replace the existing numbers from 0-9 to Arabic Numerals. |
 | inverse.zip | 1k | 04-02-06 | | Inverse This is a font made by keith pierce! Its a inverted font! Have fun! |
 | tricky.zip | 1k | 04-01-30 | | Tricky This is a quick font that I made for your Ti-83+/Se! Just use it to trick friends! |
 | block.zip | 17k | 04-01-27 | | BLOCK This is a really cool font. All of the letters are square shaped. It is a really cool font and it looks awesome on your calculator! Check out the screennshots! |
 | symbol.zip | 17k | 04-01-26 | | SYMBOL Have you ever used that Symbol font on Microsoft Word? This is practically an exact replica of it. The font is supposed to be the Greek Alphabet. I didn't only change the letters, but all the other symbols to the greek form. It is a pretty confusing font unless you are familiar with it. It is pretty neat to have on you calculator though! Check out the screenshots! |
 | cursive.zip | 18k | 04-01-26 | | CURSIVE This font is like, well, cursive. It looks just like the writing on the blackboard in school. Its' a really cool font, and it's easy to read. Check out the screenshots! |
 | bballs.zip | 6k | 03-12-03 | | YUKI's Billiards Balls Font This is a font file for Omnicalc. Alphabet and Numbers seem to have been written onto billiards balls. Please look a screenshot! |
 | cfont2.zip | 1k | 03-11-30 | | Cyrillic (Russian) font This is a cyrillic font that includes all Cyrillic characters different from English, in place of the accented vowel symbols. |
 | zprymlgr.zip | 1k | 03-11-19 | | Greek Font greek letters/symbols |
 | zprymlcd.zip | 1k | 03-11-19 | | Code Font a simple code, on your ti |
 | fivefonts.zip | 5k | 03-11-19 | | Five fonts Five fonts including Block, Slant,Angle, Enclosed (you'll see what i mean), and Tiny |
 | zprymlsw.zip | 1k | 03-11-19 | | Sideways Font A side ways font, can't be simpler |
 | ninemini.zip | 5k | 03-11-19 | | YUKI's Nine-Dots Minimum Font This is a font file for Omnicalc. Alphabet and Numbers are created by 3x3 dots and Other symbols were also created as small as possible. Please look a screenshot! |
 | blocksb.zip | 8k | 03-11-16 | | YUKI's Bolder Blocks Font This is a font file for Omnicalc. This font is bolder version of my font. Including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols. Please look a screenshot! |
 | martien.zip | 5k | 03-11-12 | | Martien This is a real cool font. It needs Omnicalc. The most characters are 5x5 pixels. Uppercase & lowercase is the same. Look at the screenshots and download it |
 | braille.zip | 6k | 03-11-03 | | YUKI's Learn Braille Font This is a font file for Omnicalc. Uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and some symbols were changed to braille. Please look a screenshot! |
 | lofont.zip | 1k | 03-10-23 | | LoFont Based on the font "Android", also on this site. It's the same, but thicker |
 | gnomefont.zip | 1k | 03-10-19 | | Gnome Cool font for Omnicalc! Yeah! Check it out! |
 | big.zip | 1k | 03-10-13 | | Big Be nice it is my first |
 | dround01.zip | 2k | 03-09-17 | | Drubu's Font A roundish font with a crisp clean style. Easy to read and an awesome look! Its a favorite among my friends. Use with Omnicalc. |
 | roundf.zip | 8k | 03-09-17 | | YUKI's Round Style Font This is a font file for Omnicalc. These letters were designed based on my cellular phone's round font. Including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols. Please look a screenshot! |
 | blocks.zip | 8k | 03-09-17 | | YUKI's Blocks Style Font This is a font file for Omnicalc. These letters are made by lines, so it seems to rectangles. Including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols. Please look a screenshot! |
 | capitals.zip | 8k | 03-09-01 | | YUKI's Small Capitals Font This is a font file for Omnicalc. Lowercase was changed to smaller Uppercase. Although it is little changed, but that become pretty cool. Including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols. Please look a screenshot! |
 | ccookies.zip | 7k | 03-09-01 | | YUKI's Chocolate Cookies Font This is a font file for Omnicalc. These letters seem to have been written with cream onto chocolate cookies which are rectangle. Including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols. Please look a screenshot! |
 | wo3font.zip | 7k | 03-08-22 | | WipeOut 3 Font Style This Program was made on/using the MirageOs program, OCFE (Omnicalc Font Editor), to be used with Omnicalc Version 1.00 or higher for the TI-83+ Graphing Calc. This font was made from the inspiration of the PlayStation game, Wipeout 3's font [style]. Enjoy! :D _______________________ 08~20~03;1219 EST {ps, checkout the shots}:P |
 | bdisplay.zip | 6k | 03-08-08 | | YUKI's Broken Display Font This is a font file for Omnicalc. These letters are made by dots. So I think that it is difficult to read them. Including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols. Please look a screenshot! |
 | newfont.zip | 1k | 03-07-23 | | Newfont a font type for omnicalc |
 | mirrorupsidedown.zip | 3k | 03-07-04 | | mirror and upside down fonts the normal ti-font mirrored and upside down. perl program included for processing your own fonts. |
 | randjunk.zip | 1k | 03-07-04 | | random font All characters are random, only space is normal |
 | monster.zip | 8k | 03-07-04 | | YUKI's Monster House Font This is a font file for Omnicalc. These letters have "eyes" which are 2 dots. Including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols. Please look a screenshot! |
 | minimini.zip | 6k | 03-06-22 | | YUKI's Mini Mini Font This is a font file for Omnicalc. I made letters as small as possible but it is readable. Including uppercase letters,lowercase letters, numbers and symbols. Please look a screenshot! |
 | blank.zip | 4k | 03-06-20 | | Blank Font Set Trick your friends with an invisible font on their calculator. Blank font set is an Ordoinc. software program created with Omnicalc Font Editor for TI-83 Plus v 1.11. Install your new font today. Minimum system requirements: TI-83+ or TI-83+ SE; Omnicalc for TI-83+; 1817 mb free RAM |
 | fatso.zip | 3k | 03-06-20 | | Fatso Fatso font is an Ordoinc. software program created with Omnicalc Font Editor for TI-83 Plus v 1.11. Install your new font today. Minimum system requirements: TI-83+ or TI-83+ SE; Omnicalc for TI-83+; 1817 mb free RAM |
 | clawrite.zip | 4k | 03-06-20 | | Omnicalc Font Set: ClaWrite My first attempt at something that I might like. Not much to say here, but if you visit the website where I sourced this from, then you might understand (info found in ReadME file). This font set is designed for a certain community, but can be used by all. Just learn the text and visit the site. |
 | scriptfont.zip | 4k | 03-06-18 | | Script 83+ A cursive font style for the TI-83+ called script.8xp. 2358EST;6/15/03. |
 | wingdings83.zip | 3k | 03-06-18 | | Wingdings for TI83+ You know wingdings for WINDOWS on wordpad, paint, Word, and any other word processing program that supports different font styles, well here is close to the original WIngdings for the TI-83+ calc. 2348EST;6/15/03. |
 | startrekfont.zip | 2k | 03-06-18 | | Star Trek Font Style A font style from the old/original star trek when they rolled the credits. 2343EST;6/15/03. |
 | stthin.zip | 7k | 03-06-02 | | YUKI's Stylish Thin Font This is a font file for Omnicalc. These letters are very thin and cool. Including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols. Please look a screenshot! |
 | psmall.zip | 7k | 03-06-02 | | YUKI's Pretty Small Font This is a font file for Omnicalc. These letters are smaller and cuter than default font. Including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and all symbols. Please look a screenshot! |
 | fadedfont.zip | 1k | 03-05-30 | | Faded Font This is an interesting font. It is pretty hard to describe so check it out fo yourself. |
 | miroritefont.zip | 4k | 03-05-29 | | Right-Hand Mirror Font Set If you were to hold a mirror in the centre of these characters so that the right side of them was reflected so it would seem as though the right side was the left, you would get this font style set. 0324EST; 5/29/03. |
 | malachim.zip | 1k | 03-05-27 | | Malachim Font This font set is based off the ancient writing style called 'Malachim' I did not change the numbers, or make the lowercase smaller, if you would like to, or have Ideas just tell me, thank you. |
 | minimalfont.zip | 1k | 03-05-24 | | Minimal This is a really small font. It's kind of hard to read, but I like it anyway :) |
 | middle.zip | 1k | 03-05-24 | | MiddleFont A simple, cool Omnicalc font. Enjoy! |
 | zupfontstyle.zip | 7k | 03-05-23 | | Font Style: ZUP Zup is a language that I made up, this font set is the most basic form of this alphabet in which each letter/number has its own unique character. So try it out and tell me what you think (q_dmc12@yahoo.com). 155 EST; 5/23/03. |
 | travfont.zip | 1k | 03-05-23 | | TravFont Just a little funny font I made up. |
 | calcfonts.zip | 2k | 03-05-21 | | CalcFonts In this file, two programs will be found. These are actually fonts for the TI-83 Plus. These will only work, however, with Omnicalc App. |
 | couriern.zip | 8k | 03-05-12 | | YUKI's Monospace Style Font This is a font file for Omnicalc. It looks like the "Courier New" font of Windows. Including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols. Please look a screenshot! |
 | westcv.zip | 4k | 03-04-05 | | Westminster CV A font for your 83+ to be used with Omnicalc. Is inspired by the font Westminster, but has slight differences because of the calculators limitations. |
 | alienfnt.zip | 1k | 03-04-05 | | Alien Font This is an awesome font based on the "Westminster" WinXP font! |
 | hausuck.zip | 1k | 03-04-01 | | haUsuck This is a great font to put on a friend's calculator for a prank. Every letter and number, as well as most symbols, have been swapped around creating the appearence that their calc. has gone crazy. Great for April Fool's Day |
 | longhand.zip | 8k | 03-03-23 | | YUKI's Italic Longhand Font This is a font file for Omnicalc. It looks like the "cursive" font of Windows. Including uppercase letters,lowercase letters,numbers and symbols. Please look a screenshot! |
 | android.zip | 1k | 03-03-17 | | Android This is a font set adapted from Super Android Pinball by Epic Megagames in 1993. Enjoy! |
 | sga.zip | 1k | 03-03-09 | | Standard Galactic Alphabet This is the the alphabet used by the alien races in the Commander Keen games. The lower and uppercase letters have been modified to look exactly the same (as SGA has no lowercase) and all other symbols are otherwise the same as the standard TI font. I was really surprised how nice this looks on the calculator, as it didn't look too great on the pc. OmniCalc required. ENJOY! |
 | brianfon.zip | 1k | 02-11-12 | | brianfon just a font i made that looks the same as my writing. |
 | sixfonts.zip | 61k | 02-11-12 | | Font Collection 1 A font package with 6 fonts, including the Godsmack font, OCR A Extended from the computer, and the Zelda: Link's Awakening font. Created by Richard Joel Thompson. |
 | tipetit2.zip | 3k | 02-11-11 | | TI Petit A font for your calculator. |
 | tipetit.zip | 1k | 02-10-23 | | Small Font - same as graph font This font is a small font that is identical to the font you see in graph mode. It's very readable and easy on your eyes sorta like the thin font. You need Omnicalc to use it. |
 | joshfont.zip | 11k | 02-08-09 | | Josh's Font Add a refreshing twist to your calculator homescreen. (Look at the screenshot) |
 | bigfont.zip | 2k | 02-07-22 | | Big Font This is a really cool font for Omnicalc. Look at the screenshot! |
 | backwardsfont.zip | 1k | 02-07-11 | | Backwards font this is a font for Omnicalc and has everything backwards(uppercase, lowercase, and numbers), pretty cool, and makes everything different. if you have any other ideas or suggestions for a font, e-mail me, thanks to Anson Jablinski for this idea |
 | omnicalcinvertedfont.zip | 1k | 02-06-04 | | Omnicalc inverted font this is a font for Omnicalc and has everything inverted(uppercase, lowercase, numbers, symbols, and everything else), pretty cool, and makes the screen look different. if you have any other suggestions for a font, e-mail me |
 | thinfont.zip | 1k | 02-05-30 | | Omnicalc font set this is a font set for omnicalc v1.0. The font looks like really thin letters and looks pretty cool. good font, good download. it includes uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and a few other little things |
 | omnicalc_playbill_font.zip | 1k | 02-05-25 | | Omnicalc font set - Playbill really cool font for the ti-83 plus. it runs through omnicalc and the font looks like the Playbill font on programs like Microsoft Works and others like it. that's about as much as I can describe it. It includes uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and numbers |
 | coolfont.zip | 1k | 02-05-12 | | Omnicalc font set really cool font for the ti-83 plus. it runs through omnicalc and the font looks like handwritten letters. that's about as much as I can describe it. It includes uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and numbers |
 | chrismoodysalternafontsetv0.3.zip | 1k | 02-05-11 | | Alternative Font for TI-83+ This font replaces your calculator's old font, for a new, weird, altogether refreshing new interface. Uses Omnicalc. |
 | freehand.zip | 1k | 02-05-11 | | Freehand-font set for Omnicalc A font set for use with Omnicalc. It is italic and easy to read. |
 | kidprint.zip | 1k | 02-05-11 | | Kidprint This is a Kidprint fonr I made for Omnicalc. |