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Number of files 16
Last updated Sunday, 5 August 2012
Total downloads 55,094
Most popular file  "It's My Life" DBZ Musc Video with 7,427 downloads.

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Icon legend: File with screen shots File with animated screen shots File with reviews Featured programs

(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Animations, Videos
ab5teaser2.zip2k12-08-05Alien Breed 5 (teaser 2)
Another small teaser program for Alien Breed 5.
ab5teaser.zip2k12-06-11Alien Breed 5 (teaser)
A small teaser program for Alien Breed 5.
May or may not display a poorly drawn animation. Hint: Look at the title.
A simple video showing the life cycle of a Chagunga.
It's a graphic of a Gun fireing a bullet and discharging a shell.
hausvomnikolaus.zip1k03-12-17Haus vom Nikolaus
I guess you know this little draw. It's for MirageOS and if it runs too fast, press ON+GRAPH. Look at the screenshots and have fun.
linesave.zip1k00-08-03Random Lines Screensaver
This is a good example of Mirage's fastline subroutine, and of it's uses. It is also a good screensaver.
lines.zip1k02-07-26Lines Trilogy
This contains 3 programs and a read-me on these 3 great relaxing programs
It is a similar animation as in the movie
music.zip123k03-06-16"It's My Life" DBZ Musc Video
This plays just over a full 1 minute of the DBZ version of Bon Jovi's "It's My Life".. The anime music video was constructed by a guy named Aaron. Ported from .mpeg to .8xp by Will White.
runningstopwatch.zip2k03-12-20running stopwatch
This a animation for MirageOS. Look at the screenshots and have fun.
A video for MirageOs
A screensaver that is like traveling through space.
A screensaver that is like traveling through space.
A collection of 9 video files that have already been converted into 83plus programs using TIMM and are ready to be viewed on your calculator.
video.zip20k01-05-25Compiled TIMM Videos
A collection of 9 videos ready for playing. Read the documentation for more info.

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