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Last updated Saturday, 5 November 2005
Total downloads 45,310
Most popular file  MikeisGame's PlainJump Levels with 8,093 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Game Levels
alphabet.zip1k01-07-11File is not rated"Alphabet" PlainJump level
This is a level for the game plainjump. You move and jump across the English alphabet .It is very fun and a bit challenging.
betatrak.zip1k04-06-11File is not ratedBETATRACK
This level was my first plainjump level that I have been meaning to upload for a while now. This level is about a level 6 on a scale from 1 to 10, meaning it isnt that hard but it still has some challenge to it.
firstlev.zip1k04-06-05File is not ratedMy first level
Somewhat challenging. Better than some levels. More, harder levels are coming soon, and take a look at other levels made by me for different games!
frantikk.zip1k04-06-11File is not ratedFRANTIKK
This level is exactly as it's name says. It is a 9 on a scale of 1 to 10, even I sometimes cant beat it, and I made it! If you want to try, you'd better get the ball rolling and download it right away.
inthesn.zip1k05-11-05File is not ratedSky Roads: Red Heat 1,2 and 3
These are more levels for the game Plain Jump that i recreated from Sky Roads.
joejoejo.zip1k04-09-13File is not ratedJoe Joe!
Fun level. I got like over 2000 points on it.
mikepjlv.zip2k99-11-14File is not ratedMikeisGame's PlainJump Levels
3 Levels for PlainJump.
omegalev.zip1k04-06-07File is not ratedOmega level
This may start out as an easy level, but it will quickly get harder than you would expect! You will have to slow down, stop, and put faith into what you cannot see for this level! I would like to see you try and beat it!
pjbestlvl.zip1k04-01-18File is not ratedThe Best Plain Jump Level
This plainjump level is pretty challenging and has a "mine field" near the end of it.
pjlevel1.zip1k04-01-28File is not ratedPlainJump Level
Just a PlainJump Level because I wasn't smart enough to download one beforehand and had to make one.
pjlevles.zip3k01-12-10File is not ratedPjlevels
A set of 7 different levels for Plain Jump ranging from easy to hard and everyting in between. P.S. Plain Jump is addictive so I thought I should make some good levels for it.
pjlvl.zip1k03-09-01File is not ratedPJ levels
Just a few plain jump levels
platforms.zip1k04-12-16File is not ratedPlatforms Levelset 1
A levelset that contains Platforms 1-3. All of them are pretty hard, and you have to constantly stop, go, stop, go. Have fun!
platfrm1.zip1k04-11-11File is not ratedPlatforms 1
A Plain Jump level where you jump from platform to platform. Simple, eh? Not really....
redheat.zip1k05-11-05File is not ratedSky Roads: Red Heat 1,2 and 3
Have you played the game sky roads? Well it is almost the same game as Plain Jump. I recreated the first 3 levels of Sky Roads. It is almost an exact copy. Just Plain Jump is not 3d (height). Have fun with this.
spinnoff2.zip1k04-03-28File is not ratedSpinnoff 2
The sequel to Spinnoff. This level includes different platforms, turns, loops, and even some illusions that some platforms aren't moving! If you enjoyed the first, don't miss out on the second!
spinnoff.zip3k04-03-17File is not ratedSpinnoff
A Plain Jump level full of jumps, turns, and spinoffs, but not difficult at all. All jumps are well-timed, and there are certain game references as well, as described in the read-me. Not only that, but it's less than 300 bytes!
thelevel.zip1k04-06-21File is not ratedThe ultimate plain jump level
awsome level
trevorplainjumplevel.zip1k04-06-21File is not ratedTrevor's level
awsome level
trevorslevel.zip1k04-01-26File is not ratedTrevor's Plain jump level
a plain jump level
ucspjlevels.zip1k03-07-04File is not ratedA variete of both easy and hard PJ levels
Four fun Plain Jump levels including easy Jumprize and almosy classic and very difficult Invioled. Enjoy!
vertigo.zip1k03-03-04File is not ratedPlain Jump Vertigo Series 1
3 levels for Plain Jump
willlevels.zip1k01-12-16File is not ratedWill's Plainjump levels
A couple of cool and quirky plainjump levels, one is funny (with a hidden message), one is just plain hard. no bullcrap, just good levels

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