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Last updated Sunday, 17 September 2006
Total downloads 138,355
Most popular file  Checkers 8X v1.2 with 46,293 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (Ion)
83ttt.zip7k05-03-01File is not ratedTic-Tac-Toe with AI
Play a semi-challenging game of Tic-Tac-Toe against your calculator! The false win bug mentioned in the review only occurs in MirageOS 1.2 (and unfortunately can't be fixed).
asmttt.zip4k01-02-03File is not ratedTic Tac Toe
This is my first ASM program, and it is a simple version of TicTacToe. Please send me feedback!!! Sk8a4good@aol.com. READ THE README.
checkers.zip11k00-01-13File is not ratedCheckers 8X v1.2
It's Checkers! This version allows for 2 players to play against each other using the calc-to-calc link or with just one calculator. Small size at ~2K.
cmast83.zip24k02-06-14File rated 8.39Chessmaster 83
Awesome Chess game for the TI-83+ with AI, 3 chess sets, speed, autosave feature, multiple difficulty levels and more. Now compatible with MirageOS!
connect4benryves.zip28k04-01-26File rated 6.77Connect 4
A simple Connect 4 game that allows you to play against a friend or AI - there are three different AI levels, and you can even pitch the AI against itself!
knight.zip7k00-07-10File is not ratedKnight Moves
An ION port of an old game where you attempt to move a knight (the chess piece) on a chess board as many times as possable without using a space previously landed on
lite3.zip3k00-01-02File is not ratedLite 3
Tic Tac Toe with a twist.
reversi.zip22k04-06-01File rated 8.45Reversi (aka. Othello) 2.1
This is the board game Reversi (Othello). Includes both a two-player mode and a one-player vs. AI mode, great graphics, a save feature, and is very easy to use. This is one of two Reversi/Othello games for 83+, but the only assembly version and only graphical version. Changes in v2.1 include 1/6 smaller file size (from around 3600 bytes to under 3000!), archiving of saved games is handled by the program, and it comes with version for Ion, MirageOS, and TI-OS.
shanghai.zip98k06-09-17File is not ratedShanghai
Shanghai, also known as Mahjong(g), is a solitaire game and is loosely based on the Amiga version of SHANGHAI by Activision. The objective of the game is to remove all of the 144 tiles on the screen by selecting pairs of equal tiles, but be careful, you can get stuck... When all of the tiles are removed, beware of the dragon! The game features 4 different layouts and automatically saves the state of the game after manually quitting the game.
solytare.zip16k00-07-27File rated 8.54Solytare v2.11
A fun Solitare game
tictacs.zip1k05-07-03File is not ratedTictacs
A Tic Tac Toe with sound output for blind users.
tictcto.zip2k04-05-25File is not ratedTic-Tac-Toe
Great Tic-Tac-Toe game with amazing A.I. Please check it out. Try to beat it. So far there is no one I know that has.
whatll.zip16k05-03-09File is not ratedWhat'll v0.59
This program is a card game like "What If". You can discard a card that has same suit or same number on the stage from your hands. Each cards is one point and the game will be ended when you cannot discard any card. A high score and the number of rounds are preserved.

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