| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-83 BASIC Misc. Programs |
 | htmlhelp.zip | 1k | 07-03-01 |  | HTML Helper v1.0 This is a basic HTML helper for those of you who want to learn HTML quickly. It even gives some examples on how to use the syntax commands and HTML tags. |
 | romans.zip | 1k | 06-03-11 |  | Romans Road I saw someone did Jude so I did the Romans Road. My version includes Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8, Romans 10:13, and Revalation 3:20. Works on both TI 83 & 83+. |
 | bscprgmg.zip | 1k | 04-04-01 |  | Basic Programming for Dummies This is the first of a series of informational programs that I am creating. This is a great program that will help anyone to make a program, even if you have no programming experience. The next 'for dummies' to come out will be "HTML for Dummies". |
 | plane.zip | 3k | 04-01-03 |  | Paper Airplane Tutorial v1.0 This program will teach you how to make a very easy-to-build paper airplane that is excellent for both gliding and distance. This is NOT your normal airplane... it is well worth learning. The program contains graphics of each step, as well as very easy instructions. Enjoy your plane! |
 | ltu.zip | 1k | 03-04-30 |  | Learn to Use Your TI-83 This is the TI-83 version of the program that explains basic uses of the calculator to beginner users. Contains excellent graphics, an easy-to-understand format, and key definitions for many functions. Check it out! |
 | intro_tici_83.zip | 2k | 03-03-07 |  | Introduction to TICI 1.0 This program explains all about TICI 1.0, including its use, hardware devices it can connect to and will be able to interface in the near future. It explains the different icons used for TICI 1.0 and provides a website link to learn more. Check it out! |
 | doors_xp_intro_83.zip | 1k | 03-03-07 |  | Introduction to Doors XPasm v4.0 This is a file complete with graphics and logos that explains all about Doors XP v4.0 (the first asm release). It contains some invaluable information about supported file formats, interface, etc. Check it out! |
 | jude.zip | 3k | 01-01-14 |  | Jude Jude, copied word-for-word from the New Living Translation of the Bible. This program will work on either the TI-83 or the TI-83+, so send it to all your friends! |
 | randmtrx.zip | 1k | 00-10-20 |  | Random Matrix Demonstrates how to create a random matrix on the grpah screen. |
 | carpoint.zip | 2k | 98-03-15 |  | Carpoint 83 |
 | help.zip | 1k | 97-09-09 |  | PDVP Aurora Help File |
 | nibbhelp.zip | 1k | 97-09-09 |  | PDVP Nibbles Help File |