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Last updated Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Total downloads 76,212
Most popular file  Dungeons & Dragons with 7,543 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83 BASIC Misc. Programs
beaverlabsbowlingscorer.zip1k04-03-28File is not ratedBeaver Labs Bowling Scorer
A bowling scoring program that has been tested when I go bowling about 10 times (and has never been off a pin). You may edit it for use such as programs but please state that Beaver Labs and/or Stephen I Beaver was the original author. Thank you for downloading this file and hopefully you will enjoy it and maybe make a nice bowling game with it.
bnetcalc.zip4k01-08-04File is not ratedBattle.net Ladder Calculator v1.2
Finally a program for all of us who play Blizzard games like WarCraft II BNE, StarCraft, or StarCraft: Brood War on Battle.net. This helpful program is very easy to use and will compute what your ladder rating will be against any opponent whether you win or lose! A very helpful utility for Battle.net users and definately worth a download!
chessclock83.zip3k02-05-12File is not ratedChess Clock v5
Chess Clock v3 is a two player, multi-configurable chess clock.
dart.zip1k03-04-07File is not ratedDart
A programme to add up you score in a game of darts.
dice10.zip1k97-07-27File is not ratedWhiteWolf Dice Roller 1.0
Complete dice roller for WW system
diceroll.zip1k99-12-05File is not ratedDice Roller v1.4
The best dicerolling utility for D&D and other dice-oriented RPGs
dices.zip1k08-09-16File is not rated1 or 2 DICES
This program replaces a dice or two dices. See images.
dice.zip1k97-07-20File is not ratedDice
dierl_b4.zip2k97-12-24File is not ratedDie Roller 1.0.R for Boreal
dnd.zip4k02-09-30File is not ratedDungeons and Dragons Third Edition Utilities
A dice-roller (all dice) and ability scores generator.
dueldisk.zip4k03-11-09File is not ratedDuel Disk 83 and 83+
(For YGO TCG)An excellent-quality life point counter as well as a battle damage calulation program exclusively from Duelist X Software! While your opponent wastes valuable time calculating his/her life points, you calculate that in a blink of an eye! You use that time to plot strategies, and your opponent will watch as you obliterate and dominate the duel!
dungeons.zip1k99-03-29File is not ratedDungeons & Dragons
D&D eliminates carrying char sheets and dice when you want to play D&D on the road!
gb.zip6k00-10-09File is not ratedGame Buster v2.0
Game Buster is a way of acessing cheats in BASIC programs. Now supports Alpha codes!
hearts.zip1k00-12-19File is not ratedHearts Scores
This game keeps the scores of 4 players in the card game hearts.
hihack.zip10k99-12-22File is not ratedHiHack v1.2
HiHack is a utility that lets you hack the high scores and initials for Tetris and Nibbles 83Z
keepscore83.zip1k02-10-08File is not ratedScore Keeper v1.0
This is a cool program that allows you to keep score for two teams. Neat graphic display allow real-time editing of the scores. Just type 99.99 at any time to quit.
mtgct83.zip1k01-12-16File is not ratedMTG Counter
Counter program to keep track of two player's life totals in a game of Magic: The Gathering
nickfish.zip1k01-08-04File is not ratedNick Fish
A program that allows you to scan variables, lists, and matrices to hack into game information.
phantasycheat.zip1k01-05-01File is not ratedPhantasy Star V Cheat Utility
A cheat utility made by the author of and for Phantasy Star V.
pokcount83.zip1k00-02-27File is not ratedPokCount
Everything about the pokemon card game
pokedex.zip1k99-12-22File is not ratedPokedex83
A program that displays all 151 Pokemon.
qbrating.zip1k03-12-30File is not ratedQB Rating v1.0
This program uses the NFL's official formula to calculator quarterback ratings. Use it whilst watching football to see how your quarterback is really doing.
rpgdice.zip1k00-08-06File is not ratedRPG Artificial Dice
A program that rolls numbers for you in an RPG like AD&D without always using dice. This works really good for the Dragon Ball Z RPG where you have hundreds of dice of damage.
timeagt.zip3k07-06-09File is not rated"Time Agent" Bookkeeper
This program helps with RP and VP bookkeeping in the TimJim/Prism board game "Time Agent". If you don't play "Time Agent", it isn't useful to you.
vc.zip1k01-02-07File is not ratedVC Scores
Keeps the scores of 4 players in the card game VC.
ycounter83.zip1k05-03-22File is not ratedYu-Gi-Oh Counter v1.0
This is an on-calc version of the Yu-Gi-Oh scoring system, with graphical displays and support for up to 4 distinct players. You can add, subtract, or adjust points using the [+],[-], and [^] keys, and [2nd] to quit. Much better than keeping track on paper!
yugiohdm.zip6k04-03-17File is not ratedYu-Gi-Oh Duel Master v1.1
You can use this program to eliminate paper in keeping track of life points in duel. It will keep track of up to four people and includes a built-in dice roll and coin flip.
yugioh.zip1k03-05-25File is not ratedYu-Gi-Oh Duel Master
This program will replace paper in a duel. It can keep track of the life points of up to four people. Features include easy to use design and name custimization.

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