| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-83 BASIC Math Programs |
| ahex.zip | 1k | 01-05-02 | | Bin->Hex |
| base36.zip | 2k | 99-10-04 | | Base Converter 36 A compact number converter from any base 2-36 into any other base 2-36. |
| basecnv.zip | 2k | 02-05-11 | | Base Converter V1.3 This is a program that lets you convert other bases into decimal, or vice versa. This includes binary, oct, hex... in other words, base 2 to 36. You can also convert from base to base. Letters A-Z and the numbers [10] to [35]. This may not be the fastest converter, but it is the ONLY converter (that I know of) that will go up the base 36! |
| baseconv_25.zip | 1k | 99-11-23 | | Baseconv v3.19 A program that converts between hex, dec, oct, yo into decimal and vice versau name it- any base from bin to hex can be converted. |
| baseconv2.zip | 1k | 99-04-08 | | Base Converter v1.0 Convert a number into another base. |
| baseconv36.zip | 1k | 24-05-27 | | BaseConv 1.2 This program can convert to and from any base between base 2 and base 36, using the appropriate alphanumeric notation. Uses a custom algorithm that should be relatively fast, and can handle numbers up to 10^99. Versions 1.1 and 1.2 are bug-fix releases. |
| baseconv3.zip | 1k | 99-11-11 | | Base Convert Convert between bases (including fractions). |
| baseconv4.zip | 1k | 00-06-21 | | Base Converter Converts a base-10 number (even one with a decimal part) into any base between 2 and 36. |
| baseconv.zip | 1k | 98-07-28 | | Base Converter v1.3 Converts between binary, decimal, and hexadecimal numbers. |
| baseez.zip | 3k | 04-09-12 | | Base EZ This program converts a decimal, binary, or a hexadecimal number to the two other bases. Just tell it what base the number you have is, then give it your number. ItÂ’s fast and easy. Only works with 8 bit integers, (0-255 in decimal, FF in hex). |
| bases83.zip | 1k | 03-04-01 | | Base Conversion This program converts a number in base 2 through 30 into a new number in a different base from 2 through 30.This is a similar version of my 83+ Bases program. However, since the 83 does not support lower case letters, this version was necessary. |
| bases.zip | 1k | 99-02-25 | | Base Conversion Convert from base b to base c |
| base.zip | 1k | 01-01-22 | | Base Base evaluates expressions and converts different bases. |
| bconv.zip | 2k | 02-04-22 | | 134 Byte Basic Base Converter v1.0 Base Converter for the TI-83 in only 134 bytes. Converts positive integers, bases 2 to 16. |
| bexx.zip | 1k | 03-10-23 | | BEXX 1.08 BEXX is a program that converts any number of a base between 2 and 36 to any other base between 2 and 36. It handles fractional and negative values. This version is another bugfix. I think this will be the last for a while, but don't bet on it. |
| bin2.zip | 1k | 01-05-02 | | Bin->Dec |
| binary.zip | 1k | 00-09-02 | | Binary Convertor This program will convert a binary number of any size into a decimal number. I am working on a decimal to binary program now. |
| bincon.zip | 1k | 02-01-01 | | The Converter A converter utility that converts hexadecimal notation to decimal and binary, binary to hex and decimal, and decimal to hex and binary. |
| bindecconvert.zip | 2k | 03-03-14 | | Binary<--->Decimal Convertor This program will convert any whole decimal number between 1-65535 to binary and any binary number greater than or equal to 0 to decimal. |
| bindec.zip | 1k | 98-06-23 | | Binary <-> Decimal Converter |
| binhex.zip | 2k | 00-06-02 | | BinHex v1.0 Run prgmBINHEX, type in a number, press enter, it gives you the binary code and hex code for the number. |
| compuvert.zip | 1k | 00-09-23 | | ComputVert This is a program that converts Binary, Hexidecimal, and Decimal. |
| convert_66.zip | 1k | 98-09-20 | | Convert Converts decimal numbers to hex/binary and binary numbers to decimal/hex. |
| convert.83g | 6k | 02-01-01 | | Convert ! (usefull for asm programmers) Contains programs to convert numbers between decimal/binair/hexadecimal system, use and/or/not/xand/xor/inv/swap operations programs, and a full menu-style program that lets you convert numbers between systems, with an option to add additional systems, automatic layout, and much more ! |
| converta.zip | 12k | 05-10-26 | | ACONVERT Converts between Hexadecimal, Decimal, and Binary unsigned values, up to 2 Bytes(16-bits/4 nibbles) and displays the results for the other two. DEC 0-65536. BIN 0-16 bits. HEX 0-9 & A-F. Chose Bewteen a "Graphical" or "Plain Text" version of the program. More features like add/sub/mul/etc. are being considered. |
| convert.zip | 1k | 97-07-25 | | Decimal/Hex Converter |
| dec-bin.zip | 1k | 99-04-23 | | BinaryConv From dec to binary. |
| deciconv.zip | 1k | 02-03-24 | | Dectobin Converts numbers from decimal to any other base, from 2 (binary) up to 36. |
| dectobin.zip | 1k | 99-04-17 | | Decimal to Binary Converter Coverts decimal to binary code |
| dectohex.zip | 1k | 01-05-31 | | Dec to Bin to Hex Dec->Bin->Hex |
| degminse.zip | 1k | 00-07-14 | | Degrees, Minutes, Seconds Solver v1.10 This program converts from degree format to degrees, minutes format, and vice versa. |
| degrader.zip | 1k | 98-06-21 | | Degrader v1.0 (degrees <-> radians converter) Converts degrees to radians, vice versa. expresses exact radians or pi radians |
| degrad.zip | 1k | 98-07-28 | | DegRed v1.2 Converts between degrees and radians. |
| degtorad.83p | 1k | 02-02-10 | | Degrees to Radians It is a math program that converts from degrees to Radians and vice versa |
| hc2.83p | 1k | 02-03-10 | | Hex Calculator v2.0 This HEX calculator asks for a HEX value and then gives the DEC value as output. |
| hex2d.zip | 1k | 00-10-20 | | Hex to Decimal Converter Hexadecimal to Deciaml Converter |
| hex_76.zip | 1k | 00-09-17 | | Hex Utilities v1.0 Convert between decimal, hex, and binary. |
| hexconverter.zip | 4k | 03-05-22 | | Hex Conversion Utility The Hex Conversion Utility, or Hex Converter, is a handy program for those who want to put Decimal into Hex, or reverse it. It has many handy features, and was designed for use in coop- eration with programming, such as inputting Hex numbers in ASM programs. It uses a fairly small quick system that allows you to input the number you want to convert. |
| hexx.zip | 3k | 03-10-23 | | HEXX 1.48 Ever wanted to find out what pi is in hexidecimal? Every been intrigued by what e is in octal? No?? Then you don't need HEXX. HEXX converts any (reasonable) decimal number , positive or negative, to anything between binary and base 36, with a friendly user interface. It has options for 1 or 2 inputs, the latter being used for large numbers with high precision fractional parts. There is also a version of HEXX which can be easily integrated into other programs. This program (HEXI) is included in the zip, as well as a frontend to it, FEXX. Full documentation is included. |
| hex.zip | 1k | 98-02-07 | | Hex Converter 2.0 Convert dec hex now smaller and more efficient |
| rectangular_polar_83.zip | 1k | 04-01-19 | | Rectangular <=> Polar Converts between rectangular coordinates and polar coordinates. Enter the coordinates in radians or degrees and it will give you the answer, answer in fraction(if any differen) and in DMS. |
| romannum.zip | 2k | 00-11-23 | | Roman Numeral Converter v1.0b Converts any arabic numeral between 1 and 3999999 to a roman numeral - version 1.0b actually works, unlike 1.0! |
| twoscmpl.zip | 1k | 01-08-04 | | Two's Complement A decimal/binary to two's complement converter.. any computing students will know about this.. yes negative binary numbers! |