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Last updated Tuesday, 30 July 2024
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Most popular file  Interest Finder with 3,578 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83 BASIC Math Programs
aec.zip7k00-09-03File is not ratedAdvanced Euro Calculator v1.5
Advanced Euro Calculator v1.5 is an easy to use valuta converser of all countries joining the EMU. Its simple and fast! 12 Countries: The Netherlands , Germany , Belgium , Luxembourg , France , Spain , Italy , Austria , Finland , Ireland , Portugal , Greece ! Check it out!
autoloanpayment.zip1k04-03-16File is not ratedAuto loan payment calc
Nice GUI for easy input of price of vehicle, interest rate, months of loan, trade in value, payoff, warranty, title fee, finance charge and gap protection v1.0 soon to include life and disabilty ins.
bsf.zip1k03-12-22File is not ratedBetter Bond Salesman Formula
This program will determine the exact value of the yield rate on a bond given Face Value (F), Redemption value (C), Present Value (P), coupon rate (r) and number of years (n). It also has a feature enabling you to take it step by step in getting a better estimate. This way is good for tests.
cashier83.zip1k03-11-14File is not ratedCashier v1.0
Have you ever wanted your calculator to be able to act as a cash register? Well, now it can! This program lets you set a tax rate, quantity, price each, and taxable or not for any number of items. It will add up the total, and even figure out change! Doors CS v4.0 optimized.
compta.zip5k03-04-07File is not ratedCompta v1.0
Accountancy program, to make depreciation (loans and fixed assets), and a help to make invoices (to add and remove the VAT for example). This program respects the French countable standards.
discount.zip1k98-11-12File is not ratedDiscount
This program finds the cost of an item for each interpretation for the ad. You must enter
elasticiteit.zip1k12-04-15File is not ratedElasticiteit
Nederlands, Dutch, NL. Uitgebreid programmaatje om prijselasticiteiten te berekenen. Niet alleen de uitkomst, maar ook de berekening en formule worden gegeven. Veel opties! Alles wat je nodig hebt voor elasticiteiten bij economie.
financee.zip15k13-02-26File is not ratedFINANCEe
1: For Simple Interest, the Program finds: interest, principal, future value, rate, time, and the payment for add-on interest. 2: For Compound Interest, the Program finds: interest, principal, future value, time, rate, and effective rate. 3: For Annuities, found is future value (both ordinary and due), present value, sinking fund payment, the loan payment, and the loan balance. 4: An amortization Schedule can be created if the number of payments is not too large for the memory.
growth_functions.zip1k04-04-01File is not ratedGrowth Functions Solver
This does two different things using one formula. It can either solve an algebraic growth function or it can be used to see how much interest an account will earn. It is very usefull and accurate for both.
interest.zip1k00-02-04File is not ratedInterest Finder
Finds interest using the popular interest equation
invtory.zip15k01-01-22File is not ratedInventory Methods
First-In, First-Out; Last-In, First-Out; Weighted Average inventory costing methods. Calculates total inventory costs and costs of goods sold. This is the TI-83 Plus version.
problemsolverv1.0.zip1k03-12-01File is not ratedPrblem Solver V1.0
This program can calculate interest and percent for you.If you solve Interest differently,you are welcome to tweak it.It will have much more in the future,but for now,bear with me.Enjoy!
profite.zip23k12-03-29File is not ratedPROFITe
The Program finds the PROFIT FUNCTION P = AX + C and its graph. You enter the Revenue function R = pX and the Cost function C = MX + B and given are profit function and the BREAK-EVEN quantity. Use TRACE and the arrow keys to move around the graph of the three functions. In TABLE you may enter various quantities X and see resulting revenue Y1, cost Y2, and profit Y3.
rich.zip1k24-07-30File is not ratedHow to Get Rich by Katherine Dunn
Calculates how much money you will have if you invest a certain amount each day at any interest rate for any number of years! The power of compound interest at work.

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