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Number of files 9
Last updated Tuesday, 12 March 2013
Total downloads 22,164
Most popular file  HOVA (H to the Izzo, V to the Izza) with 5,763 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83 BASIC Games (Puzzle)
sticks.zip2k13-03-12File is not ratedSticks
Sticks is a game where you try to take the last stick.
tower.zip1k04-05-27File is not ratedTower of Hanoi v2.1
The Classic Game of Hanoi Towers! New: Displays move counter, gives brief instructions at beginning, runs extremely fast (even as the tower gets taller), THE fastest 83 BASIC hanoi program (when posted), has up to 13 rows of blocks! Objective: move the tower of blocks to a different column without putting a larger block on top of a smaller one.
hova.zip1k04-01-03File is not ratedHOVA (H to the Izzo, V to the Izza)
Use the arrow keys to move the H to the izzo, and the V to the izza. (Yeah, it's dumb... it's supposed to be a joke.)
squares83.zip2k02-11-01File is not ratedSquares
This is a puzzle game where you try to make all the boxes on the grid black by moving left, right, up, and down. You can't go where you have already moved, and if you get stuck, you lose. This game has a working "Teacher" key and an auto-recover function.
paddocks.zip1k02-03-02File is not ratedPaddocks
2 player game where you make paddocks by connecting the posts.
escape4.zip1k01-05-30File is not ratedEscape!
Escape is an exciting strategy game where you must escape from an evil teacher and an evil friend to escape! Use strategy to get the highest score possible!
pegz.zip1k00-09-03File is not ratedCos 2000 - Pegz
The classic game of Pegz is back from SiCoDe!
plus.zip4k00-04-15File is not ratedPlus Plus v2.0
This is a puzzle game similar to Chu-Chu Rocket for the Dreamcast. It features 26 challenging levels and does not take up too much space.
hanoi.zip1k00-03-06File is not ratedThe Tower of HANOI
move all pices form tower1 to tower3

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