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Number of files 7
Last updated Wednesday, 13 July 2005
Total downloads 21,098
Most popular file  Piano83 v2.0 with 4,334 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83 Assembly Sound Programs
calcmod.zip19k01-06-14File is not ratedCalcMod v2.2
A MOD-like player capable of Stereo and Mono sound.
calcwav.zip14k00-09-14File is not ratedCalcWav v1.0
A 1-bit, Mono, 11 KHz wave player for the 83 (Uses Andreas Ess's PlayWav routine)
ocarina83.zip203k05-07-13File is not ratedOcarina 83
Ocarina 83 is a piano-type program for your calculator. It uses prerecorded sound for the notes when you play.
piano83.zip7k00-03-12File is not ratedPiano83 v2.0
A progam which turns your TI-83 or TI-83+ into a musical keyboard.
piano.zip7k01-08-26File is not ratedPiano83 v2.1
A progam that turns your TI-83 or TI-83+ into a musical keyboard.
realplay.zip11k00-10-01File is not ratedReal Player83
A song player for Ion. Better gui than other music players for Ion.
tijuke.zip13k01-02-10File is not ratedTI Jukebox
A music player for ion, with 8 songs. (Formally Real Player)
zspeakti.zip50k13-08-13File is not ratedZSpeak
A simple speech synthesizer routine for TI82/83/83+/84+ that you can include in your programs.

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