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Last updated Wednesday, 2 March 2005
Total downloads 567,429
Most popular file  Ion v1.6 with 375,962 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83 Assembly Files
modulesfolder TI-83 Assembly Shell Modules
oldfolder TI-83 Assembly Shells (Out-of-date)
anova.zip11k99-08-11File is not ratedX-1 Anova MicroShell
Ti-83 MicroShell
ashell.zip6k97-12-24File is not ratedAShell83 v1.0
cos2k.zip4k00-09-02File is not ratedCos 2000 Beta
This is a complete OS with many features. It offers a file manager (copy, rename, delete, protect/unprotect, run programs), contrast changer, rom dumper, memory viewer, and more!
dcs7.zip649k22-11-17File rated 8.07Doors CS 7.4
Doors CS 7.4 is the ultimate shell and GUI for your TI graphing calculator. Run any BASIC or ASM program or game, including MirageOS, Ion, Doors CS, and nostub programs. Organize your programs into nested folders, lock, rename, copy, archive, hide, and edit programs directly from Doors CS, or use the HomeRun feature to run any program from the TI-OS homescreen. Doors CS is built to be extremely user-friendly, using a mouse-based interface to appeal to users accustomed to using computers who are frustrated by the many menus one must navigate on a TI calculator. On the opposite end of the user spectrum, it includes myriad keyboard shortcuts so that those who prefer to use a keyboard rather than a mouse can quickly and efficiently move through Doors CS. The Associated Program feature lets you click on any file, like game levels, documents, pictures, and songs, and have them automatically open with the correct viewer program. The CALCnet2.2 networking library makes possible communication and multiplayer gaming between two, twenty, or two billion calculators. Doors CS 7 contains full libraries for xLIB, Celtic III, PicArc, Omnicalc, and the new DCSB Libs; TI-BASIC programmers can now even use CALCnet. Doors CS 7.4 introduces support for the latest TI-84 Plus models, resolving problems with display drivers. Download Doors CS 7 today and experience the full power of your calculator!
explorer.zip7k99-10-25File is not ratedTi-Explorer v0.92 Beta
A GUI/Shell for the TI83, which runs AShell, SOS and ION programs
ginius.zip4k01-01-18File is not ratedGinius
A Windows like Shell
ice.zip3k99-12-24File is not ratedIce v0.91
An ion compatible assembly shell for both the Ti-83 and the TI-83 Plus.
inidium.zip7k99-09-20File is not ratedInidium v1.0 Alpha
An Ion comptaible shell with icons & more.
ion16u.zip17k03-04-05File is not ratedIon v1.6U
This version of Ion works only on the TI-83 (not the TI-83 Plus!), but now works with the 'new generation' TI-83 too.
ion.zip19k00-06-18File rated 7.34Ion v1.6
Ion is an assembly language shell for both the TI-83 and the TI-83 Plus.
jacknife.zip33k03-12-22File is not ratedJackknife v1.0
Jackknife is a program manipulator, a shell, and a security tool! Read included jacknife.txt before use. Ion, SOS, and AShell compatible shell; power-on and shell password protection; hide / show / lock / unlock / rename programs; unique AnsString function. Includes full source code. Comments, suggestions, and criticism welcome!
sos.zip8k99-06-22File is not ratedSOS v2.0
A popular assembly shell for the TI-83.
venus.zip25k05-03-02File rated 7.96Venus v2.4
Venus is a small, very fast and easy to use assembly shell for your TI-83. Venus programs can be started like any other program, directly from the PRGM-menu. This package also includes various optional Venus, Ion, SOS and/or AShell compatible graphical shells.
wince3.zip18k01-02-08File is not ratedWince v1.07
Wince with fixed glitches.
zes.zip18k00-12-01File is not ratedZeS v0.5
A kernel that allows easy asm program execution.

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