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Number of files 25
Last updated Sunday, 17 December 2000
Total downloads 84,086
Most popular file  SOS Keys v1.7 with 5,313 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83 Assembly Misc. Programs
ball.zip3k00-05-02File is not ratedThe Ball
Example on using sprites and self modifying code
bouncy.zip2k98-06-18File is not ratedBouncy Ball v1.0
Bouncy Ball this is an update
calcoff.zip2k00-01-29File is not ratedCalcOff Pro v1.1
Password Protection program.
cclock.zip3k99-01-25File is not ratedChess Clock v1.0
A two player Chess Clock such as the ones used in chess tournaments.
charmap.zip1k98-08-26File is not ratedCharMap v1
contrast.zip1k99-01-03File is not ratedContrast Changer Deluxe v1.5
contrast changer with built in turn off mode.
debugger.zip2k99-11-30File is not ratedDebugger83 Beta
A debugger for the TI-83.
diz.zip16k00-02-27File is not ratedDiz v0.7
A full On-Calc Disassembler.
hexing.zip1k99-04-18File is not ratedHexing v2.0
imsi.zip1k00-05-31File is not ratedIMSi v1.0
Install SOS 2.0 into memory!
install.zip3k98-05-30File is not ratedInstall v1.1
k-base.zip2k00-08-17File is not ratedK-Base Number Base Converter
Takes decimal, hexadecimal, binary, or octal input and converts to all the mentioned bases while you type.
keyvalue.zip1k99-01-03File is not ratedKey Value v1.0
Let s you press a key and find out the value for use within SOS or any ASM program.
letter.zip40k00-12-17File is not ratedLetter v2.3
A TI-83 ASM SOS text processing program
memadd.zip1k00-02-19File is not ratedMem Adder v1.0
I have ported it to SOS! It adds about 6x the original amount of memory!
memview.zip2k00-09-07File is not ratedMemView v1.5
View your TI83's memory with the latest release of this program. It is now only 288 bytes, so it is ideal to keep on-calc. This version is optimized for both speed and size.
mouse.zip1k99-01-03File is not ratedTI-Mouse v1.5
just a mouse
protect83.zip1k00-06-13File is not ratedProtect 83
This is 2 programs, 1 that protects all of you programs, and 1 that unprotects them all. Compatable with SOS. ASHELL, and Anova.
protect.zip7k98-12-21File is not ratedProtection v7.5
Lets you select which programs to Un Protect
pw.zip1k99-02-24File is not ratedPW v1.1
reflex.zip16k98-08-07File is not ratedReflex Speed Tester v1.0
Program to test your reflexes.
soskeys.zip1k99-02-24File is not ratedSOS Keys v1.7
txtview.zip27k00-01-02File is not ratedTxtView v1.51
View text files from your computer on your calculator! Features selectable fonts with extended ASCII character support, word wrap, and more.
virus.zip1k99-04-23File is not ratedX-1 Virus
A real virus for TI-83 SOS programs.
wordfind.zip21k99-01-02File is not ratedWordFinder v1.7
This is an update of my WordFinder dictionary. With this one I included a computer program for users to make volumes

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