| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-83 Assembly Misc. Programs |
 | conway.zip | 539k | 07-03-22 |  | Conway's Game of Life! This program will simulate the famed cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970, "The Game of Life". It features a fast algorithm in which i estimate ~10fps for 83(+) and up to ~25fps for SE calcs. Supports TIOS PIC's (in RAM or Archive), has 4 speeds and an infinite yet enclosed universe via screen wrapping (can toggle on/off). Example PIC's included. |
 | bf.zip | 1k | 03-10-13 |  | BrainF*** Interpreter v1.0 A brainf*** interpreter runs most bf-programs :) |
 | littlehacker.zip | 2k | 03-06-22 |  | Little Hacker Hexeditor for ti83. Feutures easy&fast interface, program lookup, search and more. Only 1039 bytes on calculator. |
 | elock83.zip | 3k | 03-04-10 |  | eLock v1.1 eLock is a good calculator locking program that uses Automatic Power Down. Works with ION. |
 | jb1.zip | 5k | 03-04-08 |  | JokeBook Volume I Ha, ha! Check out this handy collection of jokes for your calc. Good for a few laughs anyways! |
 | ionmsn.zip | 2k | 03-03-13 |  | Msn Messenger v1.2 Actually working chat program. Nice graphics. |
 | quotev1.0.zip | 4k | 03-03-06 |  | Quote of the day v1.0 This program shows you a quote of a important person every day you turn the calc on. So quotes of einstein luther king etc. |
 | systoolv2.6.zip | 5k | 03-03-04 |  | System Tool v2.6 With this prgm you can set inverse text, (to use in basic :)), protect all files, check free ram and battery status, and change the contrast, higher max than in basic max! |
 | progman.zip | 5k | 02-11-20 |  | Program Manager A simpleTI83 program manager for ION: allows renaming of programs, hiding (changes first character of name), and protect/unprotecting. |
 | systool83.zip | 4k | 02-11-11 |  | System v2.5 This program can set inverse text, change contrast and protect all files. |
 | cal4ti.zip | 17k | 02-06-02 |  | Cal4TI Cal4TI is a calendar and organizer principally written for the TI83 |
 | fileman.zip | 8k | 02-05-31 |  | FileMan FileMan is a all-in-one TI-83 File Manager. Current features include protect.unproted and hide/unhide. Future versions are to include hex editors, squish/unsquish and password protection. |
 | belzeblub.zip | 3k | 02-05-31 |  | Belzeblub Belzeblub is an interrupt program that displays a little swimming fish on your screen all the time you're working/playing on your ti. It runs on Ion and ASMprograms have no problem with the interrupt running while you execute them. Never crasched on my calc! Also try out my "Wallpaper" interrupt program and my game "Pipemania". Everything c2002 by Texameije :-) |
 | notepad.zip | 2k | 02-03-03 |  | NotePad v0.4 A simple text editor |
 | qwerty.zip | 95k | 02-02-26 |  | QWERTY Text Editor v1.0 QWERTY is a text editor for the TI 83 or TI 83-Plus. The text files created can be sent to a computer and opened as plain text. Also, plain text from a computer can be sent to the calculator. Unlike most text editors for calculator, QWERTY, by flipping the calculator sideways allows one to type using a key configuration similar to a regular keyboard. |
 | phxpatch.zip | 1k | 01-08-26 |  | Phoenix v1.4 invincibility patch This program will patch/unpatch your Phoenix 1.1 game for TI-83/83+ ION giving you invincibility! |
 | setread.zip | 1k | 01-04-30 |  | Setread This program can be very useful for programmers who experiment with the linkport. the program reads and it checks the linkport and shows the activety. It can also change the state of the linkport. Check also my link tutorial. |
 | dnddice.zip | 4k | 01-04-18 |  | DND Dice Roller v2.3 This utility allows you to roll up to 72 dice with up to 100 sides. It is fairly small and packed with tons of options. |
 | basictut.zip | 13k | 01-04-04 |  | Basic Tutor v1.0 Teaches BASIC commands with a great GUI! Looks like Windows Help Files including a scroll bar and mouse! Has sample code and programs included. |
 | ball.zip | 3k | 01-03-01 |  | The Ball Example on using sprites and self modifying code |
 | calcpad.zip | 193k | 01-02-10 |  | CalcPad A text viewer for ion with working archive detection |
 | protect.zip | 8k | 01-01-04 |  | Protection v7.5 Lets you select which programs to Un Protect |
 | letter.zip | 42k | 00-12-26 |  | Letter v2.3 A TI-83 ASM ION text processing program |
 | wordfind.zip | 8k | 00-10-20 |  | Word Finder (Ion) Contains a dictionary of SAT words. French Translator, U.S. capitals, and any other information that is question/answer format are possible for you to make a add due to external module capabilites. Contact me for U.S. captial or French translator volumes. |
 | cclock.zip | 5k | 00-10-10 |  | Chess Clock A chess clock such as the one used in chess tournaments |
 | lock83.zip | 3k | 00-09-17 |  | Lock 83 v1.6 This is an Ion module that allows you to lock your calculator so that no one can use it until the correct password is entered. It's basically just to stop others from wasting your batteries :) |
 | txtview.zip | 31k | 00-08-17 |  | TxtView v1.53 View text files from your computer on your calculator! Features selectable fonts with extended ASCII character support, word wrap, and more. |
 | xzip.zip | 18k | 00-07-12 |  | XZip v1.1 A fast and reliable compression program for Ion. Includes a PC based compressor. |
 | guess.zip | 2k | 00-06-25 |  | Hex Guess A guessing game in hex |
 | kbase83.zip | 2k | 00-06-10 |  | K-Base Number Base Converter Takes decimal, hexadecimal, binary, or octal input and converts to all the mentioned bases while you type. |
 | basec83.zip | 6k | 00-05-04 |  | BaseConvert A little program to convert numbers between 4 bases. |
 | word.zip | 2k | 00-04-26 |  | TI-Word A word typing program where you can use any character you want to type. It also saves what you type after you exit the program. Good for quick note taking. Not as fast though. |
 | cal.zip | 4k | 00-04-08 |  | Cal v2.7 A calendar program for Ion |
 | pword.zip | 1k | 00-03-31 |  | Pword A WORKING password program. Changeble password is "matt" at installation. |
 | keys.zip | 2k | 00-03-13 |  | Ion Keys v1.0 This uses the same getkey romcall then ion. Also developer info included. |
 | calcoff.zip | 3k | 00-02-27 |  | CalcOff Pro v1.4 Password Protection for TI-83. |
 | memadd.zip | 1k | 00-02-19 |  | Mem Adder v1.0 This program really adds memory to the TI-83's RAM! It adds about 6x as much as the given amount on the calculator. This is a must need program for all TI83 users. |
 | trans.zip | 5k | 99-12-22 |  | Trans v1.0 We are proud to announce that Trans v1.0 has been released! Trans is a translator program for the 83/83+ (ION), created by Matthew Landry, and it can translate from English <-> Any Language. It features external files, a command-prompt-like input, and a lot of flexibility. The reason the program is so flexible is that the user can make whatever type of external file that he or she wants, not just languages, (i.e., one could make an external file with math formulas and the such). There is a sample external file (French) included as well as the source to both the external file and the main program. Go check it out on our Programs page. Btw, the author wishes anyone/everyone who makes external files to send them to him just so he can keep a nice collection :) |
 | termite.zip | 2k | 99-09-26 |  | Termite v1.0 A simulation of termites gathering chips into piles. |
 | asciit.zip | 3k | 99-09-14 |  | ASCII-Table 83 v1.0 A simple program to show the ASCII Table of your TI-83. |