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Number of files 10
Last updated Sunday, 5 August 2012
Total downloads 16,753
Most popular file  Monochromatic 2 by Noice with 2,557 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83 Assembly Animations, Videos
ab5teaser2.zip2k12-08-05Alien Breed 5 (teaser 2)
Another small teaser program for Alien Breed 5.
ab5teaser.zip2k12-06-11Alien Breed 5 (teaser)
A small teaser program for Alien Breed 5.
lcbhaa.zip86k05-05-06Life can be happy after all
This was a quick entry for the MaxCoderz Programming Competiton for which i won (by default :P). It is a small demo/anim with minimal effects.
monochromatic2.zip25k04-07-24Monochromatic 2 by Noice
A graphical demonstration with many different effects, including a fast, smooth filled 3D vector! [Requires ION shell]
demo.zip25k04-03-07Small Fire Effect
Small fire effect for the TI82 and the TI83
ash.zip2k03-06-21walking ash v.1 (greyscale)
just a greyscale sample...
asmbounce.zip2k03-03-10Bounce Demo
This simple program is written in EZAsm and is designed to teach beginning assembly programmers. I have included both the .z80 and the .eza source codes for your convenience. Please use, study, and modify for your own needs. See the README for more information.
matrix83.zip5k02-07-22Matrix 83
This program simulate the code of the matrix like in the movie.
Monochromatic by Noice TI83 demo
bar83.zip3k02-03-23A Guy Walks Into A Bar
It is a little movie. I hope you like it. Otherwise you don't have any sense of humor. Don't forget to show it your friends at school!
It's a graphic of a Gun fireing a bullet and discharging a shell.

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