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Last updated Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Total downloads 342,548
Most popular file  Anti-Pokumon v1.4 with 14,846 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-82 BASIC Games
advjoe.zip4k98-04-22File is not ratedThe Adventure of Joe Schmoe
advnture.zip5k97-09-08File is not ratedAdventure
Zelda like RPG. Fight on detailed map.
agt007.zip3k98-04-11File is not ratedAgent 007
anthylos.zip7k03-08-08File is not ratedescape from anthylos - DEMO
demo of an upcoming great game. check screenshots and readme.
antipokumon.zip4k02-01-14File is not ratedAnti-Pokumon v1.4
This is the updated version of Anit-PoKumon. Now includes the moon as a weapon.
aod82.zip14k14-08-13File is not ratedAge of Darkness
Age of Darkness is a Graphical RPG ported to the 82 from the 83+ edition. This game gives roughly 4 hours of play, the ability to save your game, has ~5 magic spells to learn, and the ability to upgrade your armor and weapons. If you are into RPGs, then this is the game for you! This version optimizes the map program and adds an easier way to tell if you have a save game on the calc or not.
batltech.zip1k98-04-24File is not ratedBattletech
bobmath.zip3k03-10-23File is not ratedBob in Mathland
You are Bob, a small and insignificant human being. You want to find the meaning of life, but you know it is hidden in the Northeastern corner of mathland, guarded by the fierce PI. This RPG features the best graphics I've ever seen in Ti-82 BASIC.
bond.zip8k99-01-18File is not rated007 Frugal Termination v1.6
bounce.zip1k98-04-24File is not ratedThe Great Bounce! Adventure
bushandgore.zip1k02-03-28File is not ratedBush and Gore
A game where Al Gore has made you switch bodies with George Bush, and you must get back to normal
cliff.zip1k98-04-11File is not ratedDrunken Man v1.01
crabs.zip1k98-04-12File is not ratedCrabs v1.0
daydreams.zip1k02-03-28File is not ratedDay Dreams
A fun little game that deals with sleeping in class
deadline82.zip1k02-06-01File is not ratedDeadline
You upset the mafia, you have to do a job for them or else!
diablo82.zip10k98-04-22File is not ratedDiablo v1.0
dragon3.zip3k98-04-22File is not ratedDragoN III
dragonstar.zip5k98-04-22File is not ratedDragon Star
dragons.zip6k98-04-22File is not ratedDungeons and Dragons
dragon.zip2k98-04-22File is not ratedDragon Warrior
drinker.zip1k01-09-28File is not ratedDRINKER
A very cool text based game were you pick a drinker and drink! The catch is you have to know when to stop.
dummy.zip2k01-08-10File is not ratedDummy Goes Hunting v1.2
Are you dumb enough to choose the right things to do so you won't get killed? Try your luck at this hillarious game. You laugh as you die!
elhemerg.zip10k98-04-22File is not ratedEl-Hazard
emoman.zip1k02-07-22File is not ratedEmoman
You want to become emo, you do this by buying clothes, cds and getting tattoos.
fallout.zip9k99-01-18File is not ratedFallout
farms.zip1k99-03-08File is not ratedFirearms 1.2
Buy and Sell guns, go to the bank etc.
ffbattle03.zip2k99-10-24File is not ratedFinal Fantasy Battle
Battle Arena for Final Fantasy
ffx2.zip11k98-04-22File is not ratedFinal Fantasy X2
ffx3.zip12k98-04-22File is not ratedFinal Fantasy X3
ffx.zip9k98-04-22File is not ratedFinal Fantasy X
forest.zip3k98-04-24File is not ratedForest Walk
gettys.zip2k98-04-11File is not ratedGettysburg 82 v3.1
gta.zip3k99-10-08File is not ratedGrand Theft Auto
hack2.zip1k97-09-07File is not ratedHack v2.0
Similar to Leech , the BBS Door
hacker.zip2k01-04-04File is not ratedHacker v1.2
This is a more realalistic version of hack quest
influx.zip2k98-04-12File is not ratedInflux v1.0
lemonade.zip2k98-10-11File is not ratedLemonade v2.0
Run and manage a lemonade stand for 10 weeks over the summer
lemonfr.zip1k03-07-23File is not ratedLemonade French
The original and fun game lemonade programmed by Karen Blank is now available in french. With more graphics than the original one! A must have of TI-82 Basic Games!
lord.zip8k98-04-14File is not ratedLegend of the Red Dragon (LORD)
Legend of the Red Dragon
lubwa.zip1k10-05-02File is not ratedLevel Up By Walking Around
A simple game where you play as a wandering man who must level up for some reason.
magewar.zip3k98-09-30File is not ratedMageWar v2.4
Two player text based RPG game.
manaforcecollection.zip47k24-10-18File is not ratedMana Force Monochrome Collection (2002-2024)
This package includes two role-playing games for the TI-82 Plus, TI-82 Advanced, TI-83 Plus, TI-84 Plus (including Silver Edition) and the first game also includes ports for the TI-73, TI-76.Fr, TI-82, TI-82 Stats and TI-83. In the two games you must collect crystals to acquire new magic spells and unlock the final area. The second game is only available in French.
medievalrpg.zip110k03-01-01File is not ratedMedieval - RPG (unfinished)
It's a nice graphical RPG but it's not finished and i'm searching for someone to finish it.
mystic.zip6k98-04-22File is not ratedMystic Quest
nuclearw.zip7k98-04-09File is not ratedNuclear War
odyssey.zip9k98-04-22File is not ratedThe Odyssey Series: The Odyssey
pinfold.zip5k98-04-22File is not ratedPinfold 2 v3.1
plaid2.zip1k98-04-24File is not ratedPlaidman II: Still Plaid
plaid3.zip2k98-04-24File is not ratedPlaidman III: Very Different v2.1
plaid.zip1k98-04-24File is not ratedPlaidman v1.25
point2.zip1k02-05-14File is not ratedPoint 2
THE definative text based calculator RPG! A must download!
postal.zip2k98-04-24File is not ratedThe Adventures of Angry Postal Guy
quest2.zip6k01-09-28File is not ratedQuest 2
The sequel of the popular game Quest. Totally different game: -The four classes can be used in the same game -Three white and three black magics -Now with jobs, which allow you to create a more customized character.
quest.zip4k00-11-23File is not ratedQuest
A classic RPG game, with exp, gold, wepons, armors, bosses, the possibility to save games, and 4 classes of characters !!!!
realms.zip13k98-04-22File is not ratedHidden Realms
ring.zip9k98-04-22File is not ratedThe Odyssey Series: The Ring of Winter
rpg2.zip4k98-04-22File is not ratedRPG 2
rpg.zip1k01-06-21File is not ratedrpg
kill the ennemies and go to the exit(k is the key, m the medipack, press del to go to the inventory)
rw272.zip5k98-04-11File is not ratedRobowar 2022 v2.72
sailormn.zip5k98-04-24File is not ratedSailer Moon
Sailor Moon
scoobydo.zip4k98-04-24File is not ratedAdventures of Scooby-Doo v1.2
simpsons.zip11k01-06-17File is not ratedSimpsons
Simpsons Role Playing Game with graphics
smackdown.zip2k00-05-11File is not ratedSmackdown
This is a text based wrestling game. you have to fight real and fake wrestlers to get the championship belt.
soloq3.zip7k98-04-22File is not ratedSoloQuest 3
southprk.zip10k00-06-08File is not ratedSouth Park
South Park - A game of fighting in the style of an good RPG game.
space.zip5k98-10-11File is not ratedSpace
A nifty little text adventure game. You are a marooned astronat trying to find their way out of an abandoned space ship... Unfortunetly, it looks like the only way you ll ever leave is in a coffin....
spquest82.zip4k97-12-15File is not ratedSouth Park Quest v1.0
srun.zip2k98-04-22File is not ratedS Run
startrek2.zip1k00-04-18File is not ratedStar Trek v1.02
A game where you command a Federation vessel.
startrek.zip6k98-04-11File is not ratedStar Trek: The Next Generation v3.5
starwar2.zip1k98-04-23File is not ratedStar Wars v3.2
starwars.zip7k01-08-02File is not ratedSTAR WARS: A New Hope (for imperials)
Star Wars: A New Hope (for imperials) is an awesome game! Play as the imperials to destroy the rebels! First find the base, then destroy the X-Wing fleet in full 3D then for the showdown with Luke's X-Wing! A great game, fully tested, with passwords and a secret game for those who finish the whole game!!! DOWNLOAD NOW!!!
sttng.zip6k97-05-25File is not ratedStarTrek: The Next Generation
thbro.zip1k02-05-27File is not ratedThe 9th Brothers
You must captured your 9 brothers without touch the side and warning to time.
tomb.zip4k00-10-11File is not ratedTomb
You have been transported to a plane called Inshan. Now, you have to get out.
tower2.zip9k98-04-22File is not ratedTower II: The Fall of the Emperor
tower.zip7k98-04-22File is not ratedTower: Ascent of the Avater
treasure.zip3k98-04-12File is not ratedTreasure v1.0
trek1.zip13k98-04-11File is not ratedTrek 1
trek2.zip20k98-04-11File is not ratedTrek 2 v1.1
voyage.zip1k02-10-15File is not ratedMagic Travel
You must find the secrets who hid in the setting, if you found the tresor, you win money else you lose all. It look like the page internet prizee.com
wizard.zip4k98-04-22File is not ratedWizard War v1.0
xwing.zip5k00-05-15File is not ratedX-wing
kill tie fighters
zelda.zip11k98-04-22File is not ratedThe Legend of Zelda
zep.zip5k98-09-15File is not ratedZepthor: Lost in a Lost Land v0.99
Role playing game.
zilog2.zip46k98-04-22File is not ratedZilog 2: Adapt v1.0 and Zilog 2 Map Editor v1.0
zilog.zip4k98-04-22File is not ratedZilog: Time for Revenge v1.4
zimbu2.zip1k98-04-11File is not ratedZimbu's Revenge
zorma2.zip8k98-04-22File is not ratedZorma II: The Return of Karn v10.1
zorma.zip3k98-04-22File is not ratedZorma: Beginnings

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